Stranger’s car offers boy a ride after school bus refuses to take him to school
It used to take him hours to walk to and from school.
Michael Dabu

Life is filled with struggles and uncertainties, but when you are just about to lose hope, someone will remind you kindness is everywhere. Soon, you’ll realize blessings do come at the time when you least expect it.

This is what exactly happened to a mom and her poor little kid.

They don’t have a car, so they have to walk every day to go to school.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

Kim Bellus and her then second-grader son, Gabe have to get up early to make the 45-minute walk to school. The daily back and forth walks take 4 hours of their day and for a boy of his age, it’s just simply tiring.

The worried mom isn’t complaining just yet, but she’s afraid they can’t make these walks anymore once the temperature gets freezing cold.


KMTV 3 News made a news cover about their story. Luckily, a Good Samaritan happened to be watching when it aired on TV.

“A Papillion mother took a 45-minute walk to her son’s school because the bus wouldn’t and couldn’t pick him up … because of a story we ran, that’s not a problem anymore.” KMTV 3 News Anchor said in the intro to the story.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

The story shared why Kim and Gabe have to walk two miles to school…

“State law mandates buses can’t pick up students who live less than four miles from a school.”

Kim is a full-time student and a single mother, she couldn’t just afford a car.

She also shared that she tried to request for a school bus to come to pick up Gabe but nothing happened. Technically, it’s because they’re just under 2 miles away from Gabe’s school.

It’s indeed a heartbreaking story.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

Imagine the tiring walks every day that this little boy has to do. A second-grader walking 45 minutes just to go to school- the long walk is definitely taking his strength away before he even starts his class.

When asked by KMTV 3 News how he feels about the walk, Gabe said:

“I’m kinda tired. I’m really tired when I get back.”

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

Thanks to the news story, it was seen by the right person.

One day a kind neighbor, Becky Novotny, happened to be driving down the same road where Kim and Gabe were walking. She pulled over and asked if they’re the family on the news story.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

Becky decided to help Gabe in her own little way.

Becky and Kim worked out an agreement where the former offered to give Gabe a ride to and from school. Becky also has a child of her own in class with Gabe, so she didn’t feel helping them was a bother.

No more long walks for Gabe.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

It doesn’t hurt to help and for Becky, helping is as easy as A-B-C.

“I’m a stay home mom. I’ve got three kids of my own that if I was in the situation I think I’d want somebody there to help me.” Becky said.

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

Kim is beyond thankful for the local news channel for featuring their story on TV and for Becky, for deciding to help them out with their everyday predicament.

“I had nowhere else to turn. Like I said, I tried with the schools, I tried with administration, I tried particularly with the school itself and nothing was happening so I greatly appreciate your guys’ help.”

YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now
YouTube/KMTV 3 News Now

This is such a beautiful story of kindness. We need more stories like this to spread kindness and positivity, especially in the world that live in today.

Just imagine a world full of kindness- beautiful isn’t it? If you agree with me, then please make sure to share this story with someone who you believe would think the same way.

Learn more about this touching story in the video below.

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