Woman shares cauliflower-with-cashews recipe that is better than meat
Go plant-based and healthy with this SUPER tasty recipe. I love the texture! 😋
Luis Gaskell

If you’re craving a meal that’s both satisfying and health-conscious, this cauliflower and cashew stir-fry could be your new favorite.

It’s a vegan delight that offers a robust alternative to meat dishes.

Bursting with fresh vegetables and aromatic spices, this recipe is not just about keeping calories in check; it’s a celebration of flavors and textures that can please even the most discerning palates.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

One of the joys of this dish is that preparing it is simple and speedy.

You begin by sautéing garlic, spring onions, and ginger in olive oil.

These ingredients form a fragrant base that infuses the entire meal with deep, aromatic flavors.

As these elements sizzle, they hint at the deliciousness that awaits.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

The heart of the dish lies in its vegetables and nuts.

Chopped cauliflower, carrots, red pepper, and peas are then added.

Stirring them well ensures each piece is beautifully coated with the seasoned oil, allowing the flavors to meld together perfectly.

The rich textures and colors of the vegetables turn it into a visual meal too, making it as delightful to look at as it is to eat.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

Adding the final touches of seasoning is crucial for bringing out the natural tastes of the ingredients.

Sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, and pepper are introduced at this stage.

This not only enriches the dish but also layers it with a savory complexity that is characteristic of Asian-inspired cuisine.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

The cooking continues until the vegetables are just the right texture.

The cauliflower should be tender but still offer a satisfying crunch.

This balance is key to the dish’s success, providing a hearty eating experience that’s both nutritious and fulfilling.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

Meanwhile, cashews are toasted in a separate pan until they’re golden brown.

This step is essential as it brings out their nutty flavor and adds crunch.

Once they’re perfectly toasted, they’re stirred into the vegetable mix, contributing their rich texture to every bite.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

This dish is not only a treat for the palate but also a practical choice for busy days.

It takes only about 5-7 minutes to cook once the vegetables are prepped.

This efficiency makes it an ideal recipe for those who don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen but still desire a meal that’s wholesome and tasty.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

To serve, a final garnish of spring onions and extra cashews is added.

This not only introduces a fresh burst of flavor but also improves the dish’s presentation even more.

It’s a final touch that invites you to savor each spoonful with anticipation and joy.

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YouTube Screenshot - Healthy Recipes

A viewer once remarked, “It’s amazing how satisfying riced cauliflower can be!” This dish truly exemplifies that.

It shows how simple ingredients, creatively combined, can create a meal that’s both healthy and delicious.

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or just exploring meatless options, this cauliflower and cashew stir-fry is a must-try that promises satisfaction without any guilt.

Watch the full recipe below.

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