When it’s the holiday season, Christmas in particular, apart from the exchange of presents between family members and friends, there’s nothing you would want more than a sweet treat. Isn’t the season supposed to be filled with families dining together? So it’s only a must for a sweet dessert after that heavy meal, am I right?

Now, if you’re not a pro or it’s your first time to make a sweet dessert for a group of people, then this recipe will definitely help you. It’s all thanks to this easy cookie recipe shared by the YouTube channel Jenny Can Cook with over 1.08 million subscribers!
They call it Christmas Snowballs or Pecan Balls, but whatever it’s called, as the title of the video claimed – ANYONE can make these!

While these yummy pecan balls look so sumptuous, you can actually do it just by having 6 ingredients ready on your kitchen counter. And worry not about the procedure, because it’s as easy as A-B-C and 1-2-3!
Now go to the kitchen and grab the following ingredients.
- One cup of all-purpose flour
- One cup of diced toasted pecans
- Three tablespoons of sugar
- One stick of butter at room temperature
- One teaspoon of vanilla
- One cup of powdered sugar for the finishing touches

Once you have everything ready, you’re all set to nailing this quick and easy recipe.
Step Number One: Put all of the ingredients except for the powdered sugar in a mixing bowl. Mix everything thoroughly by hand until the combination of the ingredients holds onto each other forming a big chunk of dough.

Step Number Two: Wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate it for 30 minutes. While waiting for it to chill, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the 30-minute mark is up, take the dough out of the fridge and unwrap it.

Step Number Four: It’s time to shape the dough into tiny balls. Prepare a tray lined with parchment paper, it’s where you’ll put the pieces of ball-shaped dough later. Now, roll the dough into 1-inch tiny cookies and put each on the tray with an inch of distance from each other. Do this step until you used up all the dough.

Step Number Five: Bake them in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Once the time is up, take them out of the oven, the cookie balls must be set but not brown. To cool them down, let the cookie balls sit on the tray for a minute or two.

Step Number Six: Put the powdered sugar in a bowl and then take each cookie ball and gently roll them on it. You are going to do this step twice, once when they’re a bit warm, and second, after 15-20 minutes when they’re cooler.

And that’s it! Easy, right? Aside from these sweet pecan balls, there’s another Christmas recipe that’s on Chef Jenny’s list, which is the Christmas Angel Wings. This is not as easy as making the pecan balls but it’s always worth the try. After all, you’re doing this for the whole family so there’s no way for you not to give this recipe a shot.
You may watch the video below or check the full recipe here.
Jenny’s greatest hit on YouTube and what we mean by that is the most viewed video recipe is her chocolate cake with over 5.5 million views!
It’s definitely another delectable treat that you can prepare for the family. Well, this one is pretty simple and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to make this. Just like what she wrote on the video’s title, this one is “Quick & Easy”.
Enjoy this chocolate cake recipe by checking the full recipe here.

Try making those munchy pecan balls, Jenny will teach you how in the video below.
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