Refried beans are common in some restaurants.
But they are prepared differently depending on the dish. However, to get the best results, we need to go back to the start of things.

This man is spilling the beans!
Here’s how it’s done, as shared by a former owner of a Mexican Restaurant, Arnie Segovia, and his Youtube channel ArnieTex.

The ingredients:
- 2.5 cups of casserole pinto beans
- 6 cups of water
- 2 garlic cloves
- 2 strips of thick-cut Hickory and Mesquite Smoked Bacon
- Some salted pork and
- 2 tablespoons of his APC OG, which is a combination of salt, pepper, and garlic.
First, start by placing the pinto beans in a strainer and rinse with water. Some folks would soak them overnight, but it’s more on preference.
Once done, place the beans into the crock pot and add six cups of water.

Then add 2 cloves of garlic.
Prepare the bacon and cut them into thin slices. It’s better to cut them into small pieces as they tend to get smaller when they are cooked.
The next step is to use only half of the salted pork. In the video, Arnie uses the J&B Salt Pork.

Cut it into thin slices.
Add the cut bacon and salted pork into the crock pot. And season with 2 teaspoons of the APC OG.
Start the pot on Hi and leave for about 3 and a half to 4 hours. You can get back every hour and give it a little stir.

After 4 hours or so, turn off the crock pot and leave the beans for another 20 to 30 minutes so the flavor and richness of the beans come out and mix into the broth.
During this time, you can already serve these as “soupy” beans, as their broth is rich in flavor.
Add salsa and you’re set!

Now for the refried beans-
Since most of the time, you won’t get to finish everything, you ended up with leftover beans.
Here’s a cool way to prepare your meals, whether it’s for breakfast or snacks.
The Stage 1 Refried beans will just be heating up the leftover beans, add a little APC OG and a little bit of water into the pan.
While on low heat, use a potato masher and start smashing.

You’ll get the Runny Refried Beans.
This time in stage 2, add about 1 tablespoon of lard. Sprinkle some APC OG to taste. On low heat, start smashing the beans while it’s simmering.
With a spatula, start stirring the beans from the side of the pan. Stage 2 should be done when you get that sticky texture but still has a little bit of water.
This is great for a bean and cheese taco.
Onto the last stage, we are following the steps in Stage 2 but this time, we are really dehydrating the beans and getting them steamy hot.

Some crust will form on the side and the bottom of the pan so you would want to scrape those out as they give more flavor to the beans.
Add a few more spoonfuls of lard and seasoning to your preference.
Once done, you’ll get nice, almost-dried beans which is ideal for your chalupa.
Get all the nitty gritty details about making delicious refried beans in the video below!
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