Electrician appalled at elderly woman’s living conditions
"There’s just no words for it."
Michael Dabu

While we all call our home a sanctuary, maintaining its beauty is oftentimes a huge workload to manage.

Some people can afford to hire professionals to do the job for them, while those who are tight on the budget just do it by themselves.


Sadly, many elderly people can do neither of these things. Their lack of ability to keep their homes in good shape has turned their then beautiful homes into a disaster.

But behind this sad reality, there is always a piece of good news hiding.

John Kinney runs a company called Kinney Electric with his brother, Dan.


They are from Woburn, Massachusetts, and back in August, they received a call from a “nice old woman” named Gloria who needed some help with her lights.

They were able to finish the electrical tasks with ease but to their surprise, they ended up realizing that was only the first part of their job.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

John explained on Facebook:

“When I arrived at her house I discovered that the electrical was in very bad shape. Half her lights were out, she had no stove, and her refrigerator was plugged into an extension cord. I fixed her immediate electrical hazards and got her lights and air conditioning on.”

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

John discovered that more things needed some fixing inside Gloria’s home.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

They weren’t just some small problems either. From a broken kitchen sink up to damaged ceilings, Gloria’s home wasn’t only a complete mess, but also dangerous to live in. She also admitted that “critters often got in the house.”

Outside Gloria’s home, tons of work also needed to be done.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

According to John, Gloria’s yard was overgrown, the gutters were hanging low, and her front steps appeared to be “an accident waiting to happen.”

To sum it all up, Gloria’s home needed a tremendous amount of repairs. It would require her to hire professionals and to buy the materials.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have the financial capacity, nor a family to lend her a hand.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

Right then and there, the brothers knew that they had to do something about it. Without thinking twice, they did the necessary.

The Kinney brothers then began reaching out to other professionals in their community.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

They also created a Facebook page called “Nice old lady needs help”, it was their way to raise funds for the projects that Gloria’s home required.

Thankfully, a lot of kindhearted people stepped up to offer their skills.

They were also able to raise a decent amount of money that would help them a lot in fixing the nice old lady’s home.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

According to The Uplift, Dan shared:

“We knew that she needed help, it was apparent. But she’s so kindhearted and good-natured that she wouldn’t ever want to impose on anybody and ask for it.”

Soon, it became a cavalry of Good Samaritans.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

Plumbers, landscapers, and carpenters, joined forces to give Gloria’s home a total makeover.

Another beautiful part of the story was not only professionals and skilled workers teamed-up for the projects.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

Some youngsters also came to offer help, they scraped paint and removed debris scattered all over the place.

John and his team put in a new electrical system to bring back the glow inside Gloria’s home.

The outpour of help from the kind community didn’t stop there.

Facebook/Dan Kinney
Facebook/Dan Kinney

Restaurants offered food to the hungry workers and her neighbors gave her supplies for her everyday essentials. One man knows that Gloria loves coffee so he gave the old lady a coffee maker.

The energy, time, genuine care, generosity, and love that’s been showered just to complete the project have touched the hearts of many people on the internet.

Facebook/John Kinney
Facebook/John Kinney

The project isn’t completely done yet, but the entire team has already made incredible progress. They even began to call themselves “Gloria’s Gladiators.”

Dan shared how thankful Gloria is about everything.

“She’s just so grateful and she continuously says, ‘There’s just no words for it.’”

Facebook/Dan Kinney
Facebook/Dan Kinney

We can’t wait to see the outcome of this project by these beautiful people. And we bet that you are all excited to see Gloria’s home once it’s finished. In the meantime, we can all update ourselves by visiting their fundraiser page.

Watch the video below to see these kind-hearted people and the start of a new beginning for Gloria’s home.

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