Do you want to learn more kitchen hacks to make your life a little simpler and more convenient?
Janet (Clean Freak) and Diana (Germaphobe) are real moms who do the hard work to learn new kitchen and cooking hacks that actually work.
Janet is a digital marketer and author, who lives with her husband and two kids. Diana is a physician assistant who lives in a shoeless house with her husband and four kids.

Their goal is to make busy moms’ lives cleaner and germ-free.
That’s why they’re going to check if the kitchen hacks being spread around are actually true. They will do the hard work so we don’t need to do it.
They will do the hard work so we can know for sure which hacks work and which hacks don’t.

First up is the potato in the dishwasher.
A famous TV personality once cooked salmon in the dishwasher and it was a success. It cooked well because you only need low heat to cook the salmon. Potatoes need high heat, though, so will it work?
They tried it with a whole potato (and used a fork to poke holes in it) and covered it with foil. It didn’t work. It was partly because potatoes need high heat to cook.
If you want to try this yourself, chop the potato into smaller pieces before you place it in the dishwasher.

The next hack is reusing your plastic water bottles.
You can use the top of the bottle to seal any open plastic you have. Don’t throw away the bottom though. You can use it as a planter for herbs or small plants.
Using a sharp knife, cut off the top part of the plastic bottle. Use it on the open part of the plastic and insert it through the opening. Fold the plastic over the top and seal it with the cap.
Depending on the thickness of the plastic bottle and plastic bag, it could work successfully.

Who loves potatoes? We love eating potatoes.
The part we don’t like about potatoes? Peeling them. Well, there’s a great hack to peeling potatoes that everyone needs to know about.
Wash your potatoes and use a knife to score the potato around the center part. Don’t go too deep and cut the potato.

Just go deep enough to cut the skin open.
Boil the potatoes and add to an ice bath when it’s done. Once it’s cool enough to touch, grab the potato and peel off the skin. It should come off effortlessly.

Are you going to try this potato hack tonight?
Speaking of potato hacks, Clean Freak and Germaphobe have another one!
Cut your potatoes in half and boil them. Once they’re done, place a strainer basket on top of your container. Place the cooked potatoes cut side face down on the basket. Using your hand, smush them. This will strain your potato and make it easy to mash.

This is a great hack for moms who have a shorter time to cook or don’t like chopping. Try it!

One of the best hacks, though, will help you save on paper towels!
Most of the time, we don’t really need that much paper towel when we clean. Or sometimes we only need a little for the kids to use. Stores don’t sell small paper towels though. So what do you do?
Get a non-serrated knife and a chopping board. Place the paper towel on top of the board and cut it in half.
Voila! You’ve now got paper towels in the size you actually need.
Have you tried this hack?

Want to know which other kitchen hacks work and don’t work? Watch the video below.
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