From carrot cakes to carrot chips, there are hundreds of recipes for carrots. As kids, we see often see Bugs Bunny eat these tasty-looking carrots. We can’t blame him because these tasty vegetables aren’t only delicious, but it’s packed with nutrients that are good for our body.
If you have kids that aren’t fond of carrots, you can create a dish or a snack that will make them love it. Raw vegetables sometimes make it difficult for kids to eat them. Hence, parents are creating ways to make it look and taste yummy!
This woman used carrots and flour to create a tasty meal.
Did you know that carrots were from Afghanistan? Yes! carrots originated in Afghanistan in 900 AD. Back then carrots were purple or yellow. It was only in the 15th or 16th century that orange carrots were developed.
These crunchy and tasty root vegetable is high in nutrients
Although carrots are root vegetables, they are not as high in carbohydrates as many other root veggies. Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. Carrots also add a pop of color to salads, soups, stews, and side dishes.
Aside from these, carrots are good for your eyes since it contains beta carotene that when broken down turns into Vitamin A. This keeps your eyes healthy. What’s more, the carotene levels help reduce the risk of cancer.
Aside from these, carrots help keep your blood pressure in check and the fiber helps in keeping your body weight in a healthy state. This reduced your chance of heart attack and heart diseases.
There are loads of benefits when you eat carrots
Since carrots are healthy for your mind and body, it is vital that you include them in your daily meals. However, not a lot of people enjoy eating carrots. That’s why this woman made a creative and yummy way to incorporate carrots in their meal.
Crunchy and delicious carrot snack
So, do you want to create your own carrot snack dipped with mayonnaise or ketchup? Yes! It’s super easy to do. Even beginners can create this meal.
All you need are the following ingredients:
- 2 medium carrots
- 150g of plain flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of curry
- salt and pepper
- oil
The first is to cook the carrots in water or steam.
Once you are able to cook the carrots, you will need to cut them into pieces. Put them in a bowl and start mashing them into pieces. Prepare the flour.
The second step is to pour the carrot purree and add the chopped basil.
Don’t forget to add salt and pepper. 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1/2 teaspoon of curry. Mix them together.
The third step is to roll them into a sausage.
Then cut them into 8 pieces.
Roll it into a ball and spread into a small circle.
Pour 1 dash of oil into a skillet. Cook for 5 minutes under low heat.
After 5 minutes, place them in a bowl and you’re ready to eat them.
You can eat these treats whether hot or cold. It’s also only 543 calories! You can bring this to your office or school and offer it to your friends. To make it extra yummy, dip the treats in mayonnaise or ketchup.
Watch the delicious treat and detailed steps in the video below!
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