This little girl’s name is Josie, and she was really upset with her Mimi and decided not to talk to her because of a particular reason. That reason?
“Because she’s saying bad words to me!”
Just like adults, we get upset when someone utters a foul word towards us or wrongs us in any way. Apparently, Mimi said something that this adorable kid found so offensive that she’s not letting it slip away.
As grown-ups, we know that we should act like a role model for our young ones.

It is totally not ideal to be saying bad words or cursing in front of kids. Kids can easily pick-up new words, especially when they are in their development stage. They can grasp these words and remember them instantly. And don’t blame them if one day, you hear them saying such words.
The video showing this little girl’s disappointment is actually child-friendly.
In fact, she’s so cute and adorable! You’ll probably feel it because the family members are just laughing, and that includes Mimi herself.

Josie’s father, Eric Palonen has a self-titled YouTube channel, and there, he uploads videos of his sweet little girl. Josie is actually the happy pill of their family, for she is obviously a bright kid with a golden sense of humor.
She’s evidently been taught well by Eric how to distinguish right from wrong. And in this case, it looks like she also knows the difference between a “good” word and a “bad” word.
Though Josie lives where citizens have “freedom of speech”, she simply “knows it when she sees it” when it comes to bad words.

This phrase became famous when it was used by the late United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart when he was hearing a case back in 1964. It quickly became one of the most widely known phrases in the United States Supreme Court’s history.
Debates were raised about this type of reasoning which is called “Abductive Reasoning.” To make it simple, it’s like a type of reasoning that goes like this, “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”
The argument against “Abductive Reasoning” could be applied in this funny video: If Josie knows it when she sees it, does that also mean that Mimi sees the same thing? Do they see things the same way? Considering the age gap, they obviously see things differently, right?

Josie says that Mimi used “Bad Words.” Let us define a bad word first, shall we?
It will take me ages to write them all here. However, the late great comedian, George Carlin, hilariously discussed the words that you can never say on television. The “Seven Dirty Words” are considered to be highly inappropriate, not suitable to the viewing public, and should never appear for public broadcast on United States airwaves.

If you know the “Seven Dirty Words”, then you should know by now that they are definitely rated “R”.
But did Mimi really say any of these words? What really made Josie mad?

And Josie reiterates:
“It’s not funny Mimi, I told you!”
Did Mimi really say a “bad word?” I’ve seen the video and it’s just funny that she found the “word” upsetting. And for the record, Mimi said none of those “seven dirty words.”
Join their cute little argument. Watch the video below and tell us if it’s a “bad word” or not.
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