There is so much that you can do when the weather is freezing cold instead of just warming yourself up in some thick furry coat while sipping hot cocoa beside your fireplace.
You just need to have an incredibly curious and playful mind and you’ll end up discovering some things that even scientists know nothing about.

When we were still kids, isn’t it that experiments excited us? We are excited to know how things will turn out or what will happen if you mix chemicals or if you do this and that. Little do we know, we can still experiment with things even if we’re already grown-ups.
Just take this guy as an example, he does everything that pops in his mind, taking advantage of the cold weather and everything that it can offer to people.
His name is Nathan Ziegler and he is not just an ordinary guy.
He is a principal at Minnesota’s Hope Academy, but once he’s out of the school premises, he fashions science experiments when the weather is cold. Living in Minnesota kind of favors his habit, because the state is known to have a typical temperature of below 30 every January.

Just thinking about it is already giving me the chills, what more if you’re a resident. Ziegler is taking advantage of the cold weather by performing his experiments which he is also sharing on his YouTube account called Minnesota Cold.
Say hi to this principal’s 382K YouTube subscribers!

He’s done a lot of experiments and they’re all uploaded on his channel.
Some of them are throwing a pot of boiling water into the air, jumping onto a frozen trampoline, building an ice brick house, making a giant ice carousel, and making a backyard ice skating rink.

If you are someone who loves science experiments and cold weather, or you’re someone who also lives somewhere cold, then Ziegler’s channel is for you. Just like what he wrote in the “About” section of his channel, it’s all for the love of science and cold weather.
“Minnesota Cold is dedicated to trying science experiments in the cold weather of Minnesota. We also like to make How To videos.”

They also have an official website and it looks like their experiment videos have already caught the interest of millions of people around the world:
“Our experiments have been featured on Good Morning America, the Weather Channel, BBC, USA Today, Yahoo!, Huffington Post, the Discovery Channel, 22 Words, NPR, and all major TV networks. Our channel has over 300,000 subscribers and over 150 million views.”

You’ve probably heard of the phrase, “It’s so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk.” This time, it’s the other way around.
What happens to an egg when exposed to such a low temperature?
He is not going to ask you how you would like your eggs to be done, either sunny side up, scrambled, or over easy, because he is not trying to cook some.

In this video, Ziegler wants to see what will happen to an egg when it gets exposed to, what he said in the video, is a negative 27 degrees Fahrenheit temperature. This guy sure loves to play with the wonders of nature, particularly when it’s cold.
January is just a few days away and we are all hoping for more cold weather-inspired science experiments from our curious principal Ziegler.
We will not spoil the outcome of his experiment, just watch the video below and be amazed by the results!
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