This group of young ladies called the Black Diamonds performed a DrillDance to one of the greatest rock songs of all time.
They took the center stage at the 2018 Australian DrillDance Championships.
In the video, the all-girl group’s members are wearing half colored print and half black costumes, and each of them holds a pair of giant props which appears to be some kind of fan made from huge feathers.
These talented young ladies are set to perform their championship-level DrillDance routine to Queen’s “Bohemian Rapsody.”
DrillDance versus cheer dance.

Cheer dance has an actual cheering and dance routine. It also has lots of acrobatic exhibitions and heart-pounding lifts.
DrillDance, on the other hand, is simply a routine performed along with a particular song or theme which all the members have to perform in unison.
According to DrillDance Australia:
“DrillDance teams perform exciting and challenging routines in categories such as Dance, Prop and Drill-Team. Teams choose their costumes and music to match the theme of each routine. Age groups are Under 8, Under 13, Under 18, Senior & Masters. DrillDance provides opportunities for physical activity, improved posture, coordination and teamwork.”

In the Black Diamonds’ case, they are doing a Prop DrillDance:
“Prop DrillDance is the medium for teams to be creative within the realm of a drill / dance / rhythmic type routine with the emphasis being on the skillful use of props and precision in movement, performed to music of the team’s choice.”
Get ready to be dazzled.

They started their DrillDance routine strong!
They immediately displayed unbelievable precision in their movements. They wanted to show the crowd that they deserve to be in the competition.
The props highlight each move that they make because it creates alluring visual effects from afar.
They are so light on their feet. They gracefully spin as they transition from one sequence to another. With each swing that they do with their props, they form different shapes and wave-like motions.

Their coordination is out of this world!
We can’t believe the timing and synchronization that these young ladies have. Nobody seems to miss a single beat from this mid-70s megahit rock song.
Knowing this song by Queen, it has a mellow start and lots of changes in tempo.

To perfect such a routine, it certainly requires sleepless nights to come up with the choreography, countless rehearsals, an immense amount of both time and energy, and of course, a genuine love for DrillDance.

With their beautiful movements, you feel like you are suddenly submerged into a beautiful daydream. Just like the lines from the song:
“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide. No escape from reality.”
They are really utilizing their props well and it’s adding so much flavor to their routine.

It is basically the reason why it’s called Prop DrillDance.
It’s undeniable that all the members of the Black Diamonds are amazing, it’s just that, we just can’t imagine this performance without those props.

The props make a myriad of images like giant baseball gloves, a talking pearl, peacock trains, skirts, sea waves, humongous flowers, and much more, wouldn’t you agree?
They have absolutely put this iconic rock song by the legendary rock band to justice!

Talk about confidence and posture- these young ladies have it! They strike each pose with so much confidence. Also, they are still in-sync with the song as they create each formation.
When the rock part comes in, these ladies let it all out!
They all wildly headbang to the music, and if you’re thinking that they’d possibly miss a beat this time? You’re absolutely wrong, they are still in unison with the music!
Is there anything that they can’t do? Seriously, please tell me.

As they finish their routine, they march down the stage to another of Queen’s classic, “Another One Bites The Dust.”
Do they deserve to be the grand champions? Watch the video and let us know your thoughts.
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