Rude woman calls tatted man a ‘dirty biker’ so he reveals who he truly is on Facebook
She got him all wrong.
Michael Dabu

Never judge a book by its cover!

Who doesn’t know this ageless and famous quote? Though this has been taught to us since we were children, there are just some people who easily judge others by their physical appearance. This is just one of the many sad realities in the world that we live in today.

Facebook/Luc Perreault
Facebook/Luc Perreault

A rude woman called a man a “dirty biker” and his response was priceless!

One day, Luc Perreault was out testing his mother’s motorbike when he decided to make a stop. A little girl waved him “hi” but what happened next was out of his wildest imaginations.


Luc loves motorcycles. He is a big tattooed guy. He loves to drink beer and he has a full-grown mustache and beard.

The Chive
The Chive

Despite his intimidating and oftentimes scary look, he still has a soft side. And just like everyone else, he also deals with his own problems and insecurities. That’s why he always tries his best not to judge other people.

Sadly, not everyone feels the same way, and unfortunately for him, that’s what happened during that stop.

The Chive
The Chive

He made a stop at the Tim Hortons restaurant in Canada to grab some fast food.

While Luc was waiting in line, he captured a little girl’s attention, but instead of scaring her away, the young girl actually walked up to him and said “hi.”

Surprised by the sweet gesture, the big biker unhesitantly said his sweetest “hello.”

Now usually, seeing your child showing kindness to other people at such a young age would make any parent proud. Unfortunately, that was not the case here.


The little girl’s mother was not an open-minded one.

When the mother saw her kid talking to Luc, she immediately pulled her away from him. And the mother didn’t stop there.

As they walked off, Luc overheard the rude mother telling her child, “We don’t talk to dirty bikers.”


It broke the big guy’s soft heart.

While he’s trying his best not to judge and give other people unfair treatment based on whatever (especially physical appearance), sadly, not everyone would treat him the same way.


Later that day, he took to Facebook and wrote an open letter to the mother of the kind little girl.

Though he let it out on his social media account, Luc was still composed, he was disappointed but not angry.

Facebook/Luc Perreault
Facebook/Luc Perreault

And he penned in a Facebook post:

“To the family in the red SUV at Tim Horton’s today,,

Yes I am a big 280 lbs guy with motorcycles and full of tattoos, I am a welder, I am loud, I drink beer, I swear and I look like I would eat your soul if you stare at me wrong.”

Facebook/Luc Perreault
Facebook/Luc Perreault

“What you don’t know is that I have been happily married for 11 years, my kids call me daddy, i am a college graduate, my mother is proud of me and tells everyone how lucky she is to have such a wonderful son, my nieces and nephews are always happy to see there m’noncl Luc, when my daughter broke her arm I cried more than she did. I read books, i help people, I go out of my way to thank war veterans and I even cried at Armageddon…..”

Facebook/Luc Perreault
Facebook/Luc Perreault

“So next time I smile and say hi to your little girl and you grab her and tell her ” No no dear we don’t talk to dirty bikers” remember that even tho you hurt my feelings this “dirty biker would be the first person to run into your burning house to save your little girls gold fish so she wouldn’t be sad!!!!”

Facebook/Luc Perreault
Facebook/Luc Perreault

His post became an eye-opener to many and love came pouring in on him for handling the situation the right way.

This story of Luc only proves that the physical appearance of a person is not always a reflection of their attitude. It’s pretty simple actually- NEVER judge a book by its cover!

See Luc’s beautifully composed message to the misguided woman in his Facebook post below.

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