Bus driver grabs elderly blind man not knowing he’s being filmed
The security cameras caught it all.
Michael Dabu

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Mark Twain

To help other people, you need no supernatural abilities and no fancy superhero costumes. You just need to be genuinely kind.

Fox 6
Fox 6

For over 20 years, Milwaukee resident Gene Hubbard has taken the same exact bus route to work. For him, having the same route to and from work is beneficial since diabetes has taken his sense of sight – he is blind.

When a summer road construction blocked his way home, a “Good Samaritan” came to his aide, and it was none other than the bus driver, Thaddeus Turner.

The kind driver knew that helping Gene cross the street was a call of duty that’s greater than his job behind the wheels.

YouTube/Inside Edition
YouTube/Inside Edition

Thaddeus Turner’s genuine act of kindness was caught on camera and quickly went viral.

Thaddeus “Thad” Turner is a Milwaukee County Transit System bus driver. Thad told Fox 6 that he was just covering a shift for another bus driver when he met MCTS resident passenger Gene Hubbard.

When they finally reached Gene’s stop, he saw that his way was blocked by an on-going construction.

“If I don’t have a regular locating point to start from, I may as well be in the middle of the ocean.”

YouTube/Inside Edition
YouTube/Inside Edition

Thad, without thinking twice, helped Gene cross the street.

He unhesitantly jumped off the bus to guide Gene on his way to the other side of the road. He also knew that doing it would cause a long line of cars behind his bus, but that didn’t seem to bother him at all.

Thankfully, the rest of the cars on that two-way street stopped and gave way to Thad and Gene.

The act of absolute kindness from the MCTS bus driver was seen by many and one of them was able to take a picture of his good deed.

YouTube/Inside Edition
YouTube/Inside Edition

The picture immediately went viral and made it to the local and national news channels.

MCTS also shared their own footage on that day showing Thad in action from the inside of the bus.

It turned out that Milwaukee bus drivers are naturals when it comes to going above and beyond their duty behind the wheels. When interviewed by Fox 6, Gene said that being a regular bus passenger, he has been shown kindness by countless of bus drivers over the years.

Hubbard told the local news channel, Fox 6:

“I just can’t say enough about all the bus drivers!”

Fox 6
Fox 6

From Thad’s perspective, he was just doing the right thing and that’s to help those in need.

Thad was surprised that his random act of kindness reached their local news channel. To him, it was just natural to help other people, especially that of Gene who is a blind senior citizen. What shocked him, even more, was when it gained national attention!

He told CNN:

“I was surprised when I saw it in the news … I didn’t think I would be here right now over something that is second nature to me, and my colleagues.”

Fox 6
Fox 6

He is indeed a hero!

He’s completely surprised that his simple, kind gesture gained so much attention. Why not? People love this kind of story! And we need more people like him, people with big hearts who naturally care about others.

Especially during these difficult times, we need more positivity, it would definitely help us cope with emotional stress and anxiety. See, in Thad’s case, it didn’t cost him anything to be kind, it also didn’t harm him, so let’s all be kind to one another, shall we?

Watch the video below to see the beautiful interaction between Thad and Gene.

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