Crack one egg into a bowl of oats for a delicious and filling 5-minute breakfast
This customizable recipe is sure to be a hit with your family.
Jenny Brown

The air is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of a hearty breakfast, a delightful fusion of oats, eggs, and cheese.

A simple recipe, yet it promises to kickstart the day with deliciousness. Welcome to the world of the 5-minute oatmeal pancake, where the humble oat and versatile egg come together to create a breakfast masterpiece.

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Our journey commences with a cup of quick oats – not just any oats, but the very foundation of our breakfast creation. Into a bowl they go, accompanied by an equal measure of milk.

As the oats soak, they become soft and pliable, ready to blend harmoniously with the other ingredients.

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Meanwhile, our attention turns to two eggs, gently cracked into a separate bowl.

A sprinkle of salt and black pepper enhances their flavor, and a quick whisk unites the yolks and whites into a smooth, creamy mixture.

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Now, the star of the show, a tablespoon of olive oil, is added to the egg mixture.

This not only imparts a subtle richness but also promises a golden-brown crust for our pancake.

The olive oil combines gracefully with the eggs, creating a delightful dance of flavors.

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The time has come for the cheese to make its entrance. Mozarella cheese brings a velvety texture to the pancake, perfectly complementing the oats and eggs.

A dash of crushed red pepper and a sprinkle of parsley add a touch of spice and freshness, rounding out the flavors beautifully.

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The oat mixture is now ready for the pan. A drizzle of vegetable oil heats up, and the oat mixture is poured in, spreading out to form a flawless circle.

Black sesame seeds are sprinkled on top, adding both a delightful crunch and a touch of sophistication.

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The pancake cooks on medium-low heat for 3-5 minutes until the bottom turns a tempting golden brown. Then, with a swift flip, it’s time for the other side to cook for another 2-3 minutes.

And just like that, our oatmeal pancake is ready – a delicious, wholesome breakfast created in a matter of minutes.

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There’s a beautiful simplicity in this recipe.

With just a cup of oats, two eggs, and a handful of other ingredients, we’ve crafted a breakfast that’s not only tasty but also nutritious and satisfying.

It shows the magic of cooking – the ability to transform humble ingredients into something extraordinary.

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So, the next time you find yourself with a cup of oats and a couple of eggs, why not give this recipe a try? It’s quick, it’s easy, and the taste is unbeatable. Plus, you can customize it by adding different cheeses or spices.

Who knows? It might just become your new favorite breakfast. There’s nothing quite like starting your day with the comfort and heartiness of an oatmeal pancake.

Check out the full delicious recipe in the video below!

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