Here's Why It's Important To Have Vitamin D
Jake Manning

One of the most important things in life is to be healthy. By being healthy, we are able to live longer, feel  better about ourselves, and spend more time with our loved ones. In order to be healthy, we must have a healthy lifestyle. This includes regular exercise and eating well! By doing so, sometimes we forget that our body requires certain nutrients to maintain being healthy. One of the most important nutrients we must have is Vitamin D.

Yes, the vitamin that we were always told to have plenty of growing up. It isn’t for no reason, as Vitamin D is very essential to have in our diet. If you’re entirely sure why, here are  5 reasons Vitamin D is so important!

1) Vitamin D is essential to have during pregnancy.

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For women, it is so important to have enough Vitamin D throughout pregnancy. Vitamin D enriches your body with calcium and phosphorus, both of which contribute to strong bones and teeth. Newborn babies are still physically developing, so it is a must that they have good amounts of Vitamin D in order to have stronger bones. With a lack of Vitamin D in the pregnancy diet, the baby is more likely to have abnormal bone growth and bone injuries. Below are the sources you can get your Vitamin D from!

Sources: Vitamin D3 supplements, cold liver oil, milk

2) Vitamin D protects you from cardiovascular disease.

An abundance of Vitamin D leads to lower blood pressure and stronger artery valves, which leads to little to no chance of cardiovascular disease. Without enough Vitamin D supplements, your blood pressure raises, blood circulation is more rigid, and chance of disease is much higher.

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Sources: orange juice, mushrooms, cheese, salmon

3) Vitamin D helps you lose weight.

With an emphasis to eat healthier foods, you’ll find most healthy food items contain good amounts of Vitamin D! Items such as fish, tofu, and milk all contain Vitamin D. The more healthy foods you eat, the more likely you can lose weight. Also, non-food Vitamin D supplements contribute to a lower daily calorie intake, which also leads to weight loss.

Sources: fish, tuna, eggs, Vitamin D3 supplements

4) Vitamin D reduces chance of Breast Cancer.

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By consistently taking Vitamin D, you can maintain your immune and muscle systems in your body. Not only that, having a good mount of Vitamin D also reduces breast cell growth, which overall, reduces the chance of having Breast Cancer.

Sources: sunlight exposure

5) Vitamin D improves bone strength.

Vitamin D allows our bodies to better absorb calcium, the direct element to making our bones stronger. With stronger bones, we can better exercise and do daily physical activities!

Sources: fruits, vegetables

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