Instant coffee never tasted soooooo good!
Said no one ever, right?
But the latest coffee craze that everyone is buzzing about will actually make you rethink the benefits of keeping those horrible, bitter-tasting packets of coffee crystals in your house.
Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about dalgona, the whipped coffee sensation that millions of people are drinking while stuck at home.

Instagram and Twitter are blowing up with the latest trend to be born out of the quarantine lockdown – the #daglonacoffeechallenge!
And do you want to know the best part about this fluffy layer of caffeine and cream? You probably already have everything you need to make this right in your pantry!
Yep, despite the fact that this looks like something a trendy coffee house would charge you $10 just for the pleasure of looking at, this stuff is cheaper than cheap to make. Like, pennies on the dollar cheap.

You can whip up a batch of dalgona right now with these three magic ingredients: instant coffee, milk, and sugar.
All of these staples can be easily found in pretty much any country in the world.
Seriously, that’s freaking it! Ok, well there’s the hot water and ice, but that’s basically free.

Let’s not waste any more time with the idle chit chat. Here are the exact instructions for making this this thick, billowy, coffee dream.
- Sugar
- Instant coffee (black)
- Hot water
- Ice
- Milk
This recipe uses a 1:1:1 ratio of everything, which makes it stupid easy for those of us who suck at culinary math.
It also means that if you don’t have any proper measuring utensils, you can just use a regular dinner spoon as your measuring tool.

Step 1:
Mix together 4 tablespoons each of sugar, coffee, and hot water into a small mixing bowl. It’s very important to use HOT water so the instant coffee can dissolve quickly and easily.
This is enough to make one serving. If you want more (and you probably will the second time around) then double up on everything.

Step 2:
Next, stir everything together until the clumps dissolve, or until it’s as smooth as butter.

Step 3:
Now it’s time for the heavy duty action.
Whisk everything together with an electric frother, whisk/egg beater, or you can even do it manually with a fork.
But if you don’t want to end up with Popeye forearms, you might want to skip that hard labor and let electricity do the work.

After about 4-6 minutes, the color will gradually change from dark to light. It’ll also start to thicken and resemble chocolate mousse.
This is exactly the fluffy, whipped texture that you’re after!
But don’t dip your fingers into this chocolatey puff of cloud nine just yet. There’s till more work to do.

Step 4:
Grab your favorite glass, the prettiest one you can find, and dump some ice in there. Then fill it about two-thirds of the way full with milk.
It can be any type of milk you fancy – cow, almond, camel, whatever! No judgement here. Just remember that you’re the one drinking it, so choose wisely!

Step 5:
Here’s the fun part, where you get to add 1 + 1 to make this legendary two-layered drink.
Scoop some of the whipped coffee directly on top of the milk, but be gentle with it! You don’t want to plunge the spoon right to the bottom of the glass.

Step 6:
Okay, there really is no step 6 here. It’s just an intermediary step, where you can take a moment to gaze at this thick, gooey marvel!
It almost looks like a milkshake, right?

Step 7:
This is the last, and of course, best step. It’s what you’ve been waiting for….
Stick a straw in there and drink!
Mid-morning coffee fantasies never looked or tasted so good. Yum!

There are tons of variations out there for this scrumptious 2-layered coffee drink.
For example, if you want an adult Irish Coffee version, you can pour some Bailey’s into the glass when you add the milk.
Or if a White Russian dalgona is more to your liking, then grab a bottle of Tito’s instead.
Be sure to check out the video below for an easy how-to intro on the wonderful world of dalgona coffee.
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