Man only uses two eggs in his super yummy recipe and earns over 3.7 million views
A delicious and unique recipe doesn't get any easier than this! 🤤
Michael Dabu

When you hear the word “recipe”, you would probably think it surely has tons of ingredients that are hard to find and that it requires a tedious process.

Well, you’re right at some point but the word recipe isn’t always synonymous to the words many, hard, and long. Sometimes, you just need to explore more, particularly on the internet, to learn that not all recipes are like that.

Pexels - Taryn Elliott
Pexels - Taryn Elliott

In fact, there are countless recipes out there that are quick and easy to do. No rocket science is needed and you don’t need to know a thing or two in the kitchen. You just need to have a device that’s connected to the internet, watch how these easy recipes are actually done, and try copying them at home.

Easy, right?

But nothing is easier than easy when it comes to this man.

Pexels - Anna Shvets
Pexels - Anna Shvets

Although his true identity is still unknown, the person behind the YouTube channel called ‘Bari’ offers people quick and easy recipes. Even though the channel has just been recently made on Nov 15, 2022, it already gained almost 7 million (accumulated) views all across its videos.

That number alone already speaks for the channel itself, not all channels that offer recipe videos can build such a reputation in that given amount of time. This particular recipe is the channel’s most-viewed video with over 3.7 million views. It’s also the only video that hit the million-view category and soon you’ll see why.

I guess you all are getting excited, but first, you must have the ingredients listed below.

Pexels - cottonbro studio
Pexels - cottonbro studio
  • 2 eggs
  • 10g of sugar (1 spoon)
  • Salt
  • Cooking oil

And yes, that is it. You basically just need 4 easy-to-find ingredients in this recipe.

Let’s get this started!

YouTube Screenshot - Bari
YouTube Screenshot - Bari

Step 1: Crack 2 eggs inside a mixing bowl, separate the egg yolk, and put it in a different bowl.

Step 2: Make meringue using the egg white with the help of a handheld mixer. Wait until it becomes a little foamy, then add 10 grams of sugar, and continue mixing it until it becomes thick and fluffy.

YouTube Screenshot - Bari
YouTube Screenshot - Bari

Step 3: Add the egg yolks in, a little salt, and continue mixing until the mixture becomes thick enough.

Step 4: Put a frying pan on low fire and grease it with cooking oil. Make sure that the oil must cover the entire pan and that it’s decently hot before pouring in the batter. Spread it evenly all over, cover the pan, and let it bake for 5 to 7 minutes.

YouTube Screenshot - Bari
YouTube Screenshot - Bari

Step 5: Carefully fold it in half and use a spatula to cook its sides. Flip as needed, ensure that it’s firm and not saggy. There should be no moisture outside, an indication that it’s cooked well.

Step 6: Finally, enjoy every slice of it but make sure to share it with your family or friends. This fluffy egg recipe is best served when warm.

Health benefits of eggs

YouTube Screenshot - Bari
YouTube Screenshot - Bari

Eggs offer numerous health benefits due to their rich nutritional content, providing high-quality protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals like iron, phosphorus, and selenium. Their choline content supports brain development and cognitive function, making them especially beneficial during pregnancy and early childhood.

YouTube Screenshot - Bari
YouTube Screenshot - Bari

Moreover, eggs aid in weight management by promoting satiety and reducing overall calorie intake, while recent studies suggest that moderate egg consumption does not significantly raise cholesterol levels and may even lower the risk of cardiovascular disease through their unique combination of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.

Watch the short video below to see how it’s actually done.

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