An optical illusion playfully tweaks what our eyes see to make it look like it is moving or shape-shifting.
The reality is that an optical illusion is just a static image, it does not move.
Actually, it never moves- nor shifts its shape.

Funny, because optical illusions do not only apply to images.
They also happen to add flavor to a stage performance, just like this one.
6 young guys in red and black tights- that’s all they need to trick our eyes.

In a funny video of their act, these lads performed onstage and did an unimaginable routine.
They donned one long pair of tights with 12 legs.
Each leg alternated between black and red, and it was done in such a meticulous fashion that they’re mind-boggling just to look at!
I’m sure that you’re thinking by now, trying to figure out who’s wearing this and that.
But you’ll really have to watch the video to get the impact of how effective their costume is.
Being clever at its finest!

The six gentlemen walk sideways towards the center of the stage. They are in line and their arms are on each other’s shoulders.
We are not sure if that’s just a part of their stance or if they need to do it to maintain their balance.
Well, it’s most likely the latter, wouldn’t you agree?
They haven’t started yet but the venue was already filled by murmurs and hearty laughs from the audience.
It may not be the grandest way to enter the stage, but I think they definitely made quite an entrance, am I right?
The question now is, how are they supposed to move while looking like that? What style of dance are they going to do? Let’s all find that out.

Watch steadily because they’re about to boggle your brains.
Just seconds after reaching the center of the stage, they then start to march forward and back, crossing one leg over the other, and the crowd instantly loses it.
You need to turn your mind’s switch ON and process things.
Talk about dancing with two left feet, it’s hard to even tell which feet are which!

They are not dancing, they are trying to trick our minds with an optical illusion.

According to Wikipedia:
“An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality.”
If you can’t quite comprehend what’s going on, then I’d highly recommend that you pause the video for a minute and then blink a couple of times.
Now if that didn’t work well, then just watch them and laugh along with us.

They are certainly not dancers, but they are undeniably entertaining.
Let’s admit it, these fellas obviously can’t ‘bust a move’, and I’m sure that the lads would also agree.
However, they were still able to make the people giggle and laugh their hearts out.
They are clever enough to come up with such an idea and win the audience over.

When they lift their legs, your mind just doesn’t know how to process it.

That is simply the power of an optical illusion and they are putting up a hilarious display of it.
Also, that black curtain in the background is really a huge help.
It complements their black tights and their black long-sleeves.
As they end their routine, the audience gives them rounds of applause and some loud cheers.
It’s evident that they appreciate the simple yet amusing act by the six gents.

Watch the video below and let’s see if your mind can battle through this optical illusion.
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