Summer has come into full bloom and everything in the veggie garden is reaching its peak.
For all of us squash lovers out there, we know exactly what that means- mountains of zucchini you’re trying to keep from going to waste.

Then again, the more you pick from the sprawling monster plants in your yard, the more they’ll produce. So, it really doesn’t hurt to build up our arsenal of zucchini recipes, does it?
Of course, there’s always the handy ol’ go-to zucchini bread recipes from our grandmas of yesteryear for our dying zukes. But if you’re in the mood to make something new with them- this recipe is sure to please!
May we introduce the Zucchini Pie!
Before you get all worried about kneading dough and fancy pie shells, rest assured! This recipe has all the bready goodness mixed right into the batter- and it comes from pre-made Bisquick mix!
As a matter of fact, you won’t find a breakfast pie recipe more simple than this one- especially one that’s nearly as tasty!
The best part about it is that you’re using fresh, seasonal ingredients that won’t just add a pop of color to your delicious pie, but some much-needed nutrients, too!

For instance, did you know that just a single medium-sized zucchini can provide over half of your daily recommended vitamin C, over 15% of your vitamin B-6, and 14% of your daily potassium needs, and much more?
Not that you needed another reason to love these green, elongated fruits of goodness- but you have one never-the-less.
So, what all do you need to get this healthy, scrumptious pie in the oven? Turns out, not much.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 3 full cups of sliced, diced, or shredded zucchini (sliced looks the prettiest)
- 1 cup of Bisquick mix
- 4 eggs
- one diced onion, small (use purple for an added pop of color)
- ½ a cup of oil, either canola or vegetable will do
- 1 full cup of shredded cheddar cheese
Once you’ve rounded up your ingredients, you’re half-way there!
Now, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of how to throw it all together- you have several options.
Some people just like to throw all of the ingredients into a single pan and mix it up right there on the spot. Others, however, like to take a little time with it to make sure it comes out picture-perfect.
Either way will work, but if you want a drool-worthy zucchini pie you can be proud of, follow the steps below.
First thing’s first- preheat the oven to 350℉.
- Give a light spray of cooking oil to an 8½” – 9″ pie pan. (If you don’t have a pie pan, an 8 X 8 square baking dish will do)
- Beat your eggs in a medium-sized bowl first, before adding the other ingredients
- At this stage, add in everything except for the zucchini. Mix thoroughly, making sure there aren’t any hidden clumps of Bisquick lingering.
- Add your zucchini and gently fold it into the batter, making sure it’s evenly distributed.
- Pour the whole mix into your pan and bake roughly 45 to 50 minutes, or until the top is golden brown.
Now that you’ve learned the basics for putting your zucchini pie together- we can talk additions.
You can easily add extra bits of goodness to this simple, homemade family favorite by tossing in, well, basically whatever you like!
Want a nice meaty flavor? Toss in some crispy bacon bits or cooked, strained sausage along with the zucchini before you fold it in. The same goes for other veggie delights, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, olives, etc.
Oh, and of course, we can’t leave out the cheese options. While cheddar is classic, and sharp cheddar is even better, there is no end to the flavor options you have available to you when it comes to cheese. And the one you pick will completely alter the flavor profile in a bursting-with-goodness way. Did someone say Gruyère?!
Now that you have all the tasty deets, we’ll let you get to cooking!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family, and don’t forget to let us know how your zucchini pie turns out!