There’s few things as satisfying and savory as meatloaf. It’s a hefty meal, and yet it’s good enough to keep you coming back for extra servings.
By the end of it all, you’re as stuffed as a Christmas turkey but with zero regrets. What started as an easy way to stretch limited supplies of beef in the 1800s is now an iconic, household favorite.
That’s the magic of meatloaf.
If only it were as simple as preparing one whenever the craving came about. All that mixing and microwaving can take a while. I just want to chow down on some tender meaty goodness over here!

But not to worry, meatloaf doesn’t have to take long to prepare. With the right tools and planning, you could easily fit this simple stuffed meatloaf recipe in between work and home duties.
Sounds perfect, doesn’t it?
For this meatloaf recipe, courtesy of The Perfect Home, you’ll want to have the following :
-500 grams of ground beef
-2 eggs
-2 full tablespoons of breadcrumbs
-90 grams of cheese
-About half a tablespoon of cumin
-Some salt and vegetable oil
-Potatoes, 4 to be exact

Take the ground meat and unload it into a bowl. Make sure you’ve got enough room in the bowl for the mixing that’ll happen later on.
Add the 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs next, then crack the two eggs in there. Anyone who enjoys cooking shouldn’t have trouble cracking a few eggs.
Next comes the cumin.

Throw it in there over the meat and eggs. Then add a pinch or two of salt before mixing it by hand. Making meatloaf requires some handywork, so don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and greasy.

It’s all worth it in the end!
Now, it’s time to bring out the cheese. Slice it up into small cubes and set it aside when you’re done.
When that’s all over and done with, take out an oven-safe serving bowl and some non-stick parchment paper.

Into the bowl the meat goes, and even it out so that it’s resting comfortably in the bottom corners. Then top it with the cheese slices from earlier.
It may not seem like the healthiest thing right now, but who ever said meatloaf was healthy?

The paper from earlier comes into play now. Grab the ends of it and use it to roll the meat and cheese up into a roll. Make sure to pinch and turn the edges like a little knot!

Then wrap it again with a second sheet of non-stick, oven-safe parchment. This is crucial to getting it to cook right.

Then slice 4 potatoes into cubes (or near cubes!) and line the bottom of the serving bowl with it. Can you taste the carbs already?
Slide the whole thing into the oven at 180° Celsius for exactly half an hour. Once those 30 minutes are up, take it out, remove the outer layer of paper from the rolled up meatloaf, then slide it back in with just the first, inner layer of parchment paper around it.

Set it to 180° Celsius again, but for just 10 minutes this time.
It may be the longest 10 minutes you’ll have to wait in a long time, but when that stuffed meatloaf comes out, it’s all worth it. Now, you can sink your teeth into your juicy, self-prepared stuffed meatloaf, complete with cheese and potatoes.

Because you deserve nice things, don’t you?
If you’d like to watch the recipe done in video form, then watch the video below. Don’t forget to share this easy meatloaf recipe with your friends too!
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