What’s your favorite breakfast?
Some people only drink coffee and eat a piece of toast to get them going, while some prefer to eat a full meal.
Whatever type of breakfast you prefer, what is important is that you are getting your needed vitamins to get you going. Can you guess what is the most popular breakfast item in America?

That’s correct! Its eggs!
From sunny side up, fluffy and creamy scrambled eggs to omelets, you can never go wrong with eggs!
Eggs aren’t just delicious, they are also nutritious as they contain many vitamins. Eggs are also rich in protein, and will also help increase your good cholesterol.
Now, speaking of omelets, this dish is one of the most versatile egg recipes because you can add whatever you want, and you’ll create a whole new recipe!
What’s your favorite omelet recipe? Have you heard about Tortilla de Patatas?
Tortilla de Patatas is a traditional Spanish dish that is already a part of their rich history. One of the theories of origin suggests that this dish was born in the XIXth century.
According to history, this dish was created by poor people who could not afford to buy meat, eggs, and vegetables – so they had to work on what they have.

They use potatoes and eggs and combine them to create a nutritious and filling dish.
Today, Tortilla de Patatas is one of the symbols of their amazing culinary skills and a dish made out of love. It’s often shared by the whole family.
YouTuber Lieblingsrezepte, posted her version of this traditional Spanish dish last May 2021, and the simple 3-ingredient recipe went viral.

Today, her video recipe already has more than 7.7M views and more than 3K comments.
It’s a very easy recipe that you will surely want to try for yourself and your family.
Grab a pen and paper and write the ingredients of this hearty recipe. Maybe, you don’t need them after all because the ingredients are easy to memorize.

Tortilla de Patatas ingredients:
4-5 potatoes
6 eggs
1 onion
olive oil

Now that you have them prepared, here’s the simple way on how you can cook this traditional Spanish dish.
1) Clean and peel your potatoes. Set aside.
2) Cut the onions

3) Heat the frying pan and pour olive oil. Make sure that the Olive oil is enough to cover the bottom of your frying pan.
4) Sauté the onions
5) While your onions are cooking, get your potatoes and cut them.

6) Put the cut potatoes in the pan, along with the onions, and allow them to cook.
7) Wait until the onions are caramelized.
8) In a large bowl, prepare 6 eggs and add around 2 pinches of salt.
9) Put the cooked potatoes and onions and then mix them together.

10) Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes and cover your bowl with a plate.
11) Heat your frying pan and put in olive oil.
12) Put the whole egg potato-onion mixture in the frying pan. Spread equally.
13) Let the mixture cook on high heat for about a minute. Then lower down the heat and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

14) When tortilla de Patatas is cooked and crispy, put a plate over the frying pan, and carefully put it there. Be careful not to burn yourself.
15) Then, fry the other side of the tortilla and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
Make sure that your Tortilla de Patatas should not be runny or overly dry on the inside.

What we love about this is that the caramelized onions give the dish its natural sweetness.
It’s filling, delicious, and will definitely become your favorite!
Watch below how easy it is to make this delicious dish!
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