Lay slices of potato in a pan to take pizza to a whole new level
My son's favorite food is pizza, my daughter's is potatoes. You should have seen their faces.
Mary Rose Garra

When it comes to mealtime, nothing beats potato for versatility, popularity, and flavor.

As one of the world’s most important food crops, it’s no surprise that there’s an infinite number of recipes and variations.


Common dishes are:

Mashed potatoes, which are first boiled (usually peeled), and then mashed with milk or yogurt and butter; whole baked potatoes; boiled or steamed potatoes; French-fried potatoes or chips; cut into cubes and roasted; scalloped, diced, or sliced and fried (home fries); grated into small thin strips and fried (hash browns); grated and formed into dumplings, Rösti or potato pancakes.

The list goes on and on…


However, in terms of popularity, there is a competitor with an equally wide range of flavors.

And that’s no other than, PIZZA! If you ever find yourself unable to choose between these two favorites, don’t worry! Potatoes and pizza have finally met in this recipe.

The recipe is simply titled “Potato Pizza!”


This recipe is inspired by Scrumdiddlyumptious, which brings you the best recipes and cooking hacks that you can easily recreate at home!

“When it comes to mealtime favorites, the potato pizza is certainly a hot new candidate,” Scrumdiddlyumptious said.

Are you ready to meet your newfound craving for pizza and potatoes?

Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 1 potato
  • 2 tablespoon of parmesan
  • 1/3 cup of tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 2 medium-sized mushrooms
  • 6 oz mozzarella
  • 1 egg
  • 4 slices of smoked ham or prosciutto

The procedures are as follows:


Step 1: Wash the potato and slice it thinly. If the potato is fresh and free of sprouts, the peel can also be eaten.

Step 2: In a pan, heat some olive oil and arrange the potato slices in a fan shape, working from the outside in. The potatoes should be a little overlapping.


Step 3: Sprinkle the parmesan over the potatoes and cover the pan.

Allow 5 minutes to simmer.


Step 4: Pour the tomato sauce evenly over the potatoes and sprinkle with oregano. Arrange the mushrooms and mozzarella in a circular pattern, leaving a hole in the center.

Finally, in the center of the potato pizza, crack an egg.

Step 5: Cover the pan and let cook for 6 minutes, before carefully transferring to a plate.

Step 6: Place the smoked ham or prosciutto on the pizza and season with fresh ground pepper.


Voila! You’re done! Serve and enjoy this lovely recipe with your family and friends.

Traditional potato pizzas are made in rectangular pans, but you can use any shape you like.

Have you ever wondered why pizza boxes are rectangular in shape? Pizza Planet explained that “it’s too hard to make a round box, square boxes keep round pizza safer, and early pizza was square.” Now, that’s your takeaway here!

Pizza is not only delicious, but it can also be a healthy meal option when properly prepared.

Just like this fondly homemade potato pizza.

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to try more exciting pizza recipes… Because there are more! You read it right.

To see the entire entire process and to get more bonus pizza homemade recipes, watch the video below!

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