If you have ever boarded an airplane while carrying an infant with you, then you already know how hard and stressful it is. Once you take your seat on the giant aircraft, there’s no going back or going up, because the airplane alone is no walk in the park.
Taking infants on a flight is one thing, keeping them happy and entertained during the entire trip is another.
It’s a ton of work that you feel you should flawlessly execute so that the other passengers won’t give you “that” look.

Fortunately, a young woman named Mackenzie Murphy is free from this responsibility.
She boarded a flight from JFK to Boston where she lives. Flying with no kids, she thought that it was going to be a nice and peaceful trip for her. She had no idea what she was about to witness that day.
She was peacefully seated in her chair while waiting for take-off.
Then, suddenly, Mackenzie noticed a stressed-out mom traveling with two infants.

According to Mackenzie, it was such a packed flight that some of the carry-on luggage had to be taken and stored under the plane.
Then, she saw a gate worker take the car seat that the mom brought with her onboard. That means that she had to carry both of the babies and put them on her lap throughout the trip. She also guessed that the babies were just under 6 months old.
Unfortunately, another devastating problem arose!

Well, probably for that mom, carrying her twins during the entire trip was not a problem at all. However, things became not so favorable to them when a flight attendant approached the struggling mom of the twins.
She was then told the last thing that she wanted to hear that day. In a Love What Matters Facebook post, Mackenzie explained:
“When she sat down on the plane, a flight attendant immediately told her she couldn’t hold both babies, and would have to leave the flight.”
What followed after that scene restored Mackenzie’s faith in humanity!
Out of nowhere, one of the passengers who happened to be another mom stepped up and did the most beautiful thing in the world.
“A mother sitting in front of me, with permission from the other mother, volunteered to hold one of her babies for the entire flight.”

It was just supposed to be a 45-minute flight but they ended up waiting on the runway for two-and-a-half hours before take-off.
“Without a complaint this woman fed the other woman’s baby and burped him. Her own daughter started crying. This mom, so calmly, went on to explain to her young daughter that ‘our job is to help other people. This mom is all by herself with no help, and really needs another mom to help.’”
Mackenzie was deeply moved by the beautiful picture of kindness that unfolded right before her eyes. So she decided to share it with the rest of the world.
She also shared the lesson that she was able to grasp that day:
“My heart still feels fuzzy. Moral of the story is when you see people needing help, do the right thing and help them.”
Her story was posted by Love What Matters on their Facebook page and gained tens of thousands of “likes” since then.

That’s a mixture of thumbs up, love, and wow from the people on the internet. It didn’t matter to her if she’s not the person involved in that beautiful story. What matters the most was that she’s able to share it with many people.
In an interview with Daily Mail Online, Mackenzie said:
“My only interaction with them both was when we landed I told the mother who helped out that she’s super mom.”
This story only proves that good people are still out there, we just need to see them.
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