The song was written and performed by American singer Neil Diamond, and was released back in May 1969.
It is one of those songs that are tattooed in our heads and once we hear it play, even from afar, we can’t help but sing along with it. It perfectly fits in a happy situation, especially this one in the video.
The song is none other than “Sweet Caroline.”

These overjoyed Marines did an impromptu sing-along during their flight home.
These mighty and modern-day heroes were finally going home after being deployed to Iraq. It’s the most-awaited day of their lives after bravely fighting for their country’s liberty.
They spent months to years in the chaotic battlefield, trying to preserve freedom and protect the poor civilians. Despite knowing that their lives were on the line, these mighty soldiers risked everything just to fulfill the call of their duty.

They’re just happy because, at long last, they were finally going home.
Their excitement of finally seeing their families again and the happiness building up inside their hearts went into a total outburst so they cheerfully sang “Sweet Caroline.” After all, it’s an irresistible song that no one could possibly decline.
They chose to sing the song because they learned that one of the flight attendant’s name is Caroline. They weren’t able to grab a hold of their emotions and decided to serenade the unsuspecting member of the plane’s crew.

One of the Marines used their device to play the song loud enough, and then seconds after, everyone channeled their inner Neil Diamond!
Pretty soon, the plane was filled by loud cheers and waves of laughter. It’s just a picture of a happy group of gentlemen trying to have one last blast, just not the dangerous type of blast.

At first, Caroline was a little embarrassed with all the attention she was getting but when she felt that there’s no stopping the Marines from singing, she then decided to join the party.
She sang along and even danced to the lively music.
She knew that these guys had been through life and death situations, it’s the very least that she could possibly do to repay all their sacrifices.

Why not? They were singing for her, so she might as well sing along with them, right? They all turned into a boisterous group of people each time the chorus was on the playback.
From Marines and flight attendant to some aspirant singers real quick.
You can’t blame them, seriously, who could possibly resist the song, especially its chorus? We bet that you will end up singing too once you watch the video which now has a whopping 3.3 million views.
In the video, they volumed down on the verses but sang loudly on the chorus. The song might be a classic hit that everyone knows, but what’s really catchy in it is the chorus.

The most important part of the video was that the Marines were finally going home.

After the long and countless battles that they went through, it’s finally a home sweet home for them. They’re just hours away from reuniting with their beloved families, they’ll be, once again, able to spend days and nights safely inside the comforts of their homes.
Ultimately, they’re going home… safe.

Ryan, the Marine who uploaded the video on YouTube, said that he needed to do it because Caroline wanted to have a copy for herself.
Luckily, she found the video online and she commented:
“I can’t thank you all enough for your sweet comments. I am the flight attendant in this video, and this was one of the best days of my life! I love my job so much and am so blessed to do it. Thanks again everyone!❤️”

Watch the video below to see how the Marines serenaded Caroline by singing “Sweet Caroline.”