This is one of the most amazing and inspiring body transformations we have ever seen!
Three years ago, this guy weighed 475lbs. He was, without a doubt, overweight, he didn’t have a healthy lifestyle before, and also didn’t have the right people to guide him.
He admitted that, periodically, he would start these healthy lifestyle programs for himself. He’d work out on his own and lose some weight after.
However, there were times when he would start to slack off these programs and quit pursuing them eventually. According to him, he has made many attempts to change for the better but always ended up failing himself.
And then he watched a brilliant comedian.

He is an Assistant County and District Attorney for Ellis County, his name is Vance Hinds, and it was back in 2017 when he learned about the Sober October challenge of comedian Bert Kreischer.
That challenge played a pivotal role in who he is today. At that time he decided to change not only his lifestyle but his life as a whole!
What is Sober October?
If you are familiar with Dry January, then you must have also heard about Sober October.

The rules of Sober October are pretty simple- you must not drink alcohol, that’s basically it. Some people do it just for fun, while others do it for charity. In fact, this idea didn’t originate in the US.
According to Wikipedia,
“Ocsober is an Australian fundraising initiative that encourages people to give up alcohol for the month of October. The money raised by voluntary participants goes to Life Education Australia, the organisation behind the educational mascot, Healthy Harold… During 2014, Ocsober aimed to raise $1,000,000 to help Life Education Australia and Healthy Harold go into even more schools across Australia. Ocsober is also used as an opportunity to highlight the growing danger of binge drinking and alcohol abuse, particularly among young Australians.”
Vance’s journey was no joke.

He started with a massive weight of 475lbs. He recorded his journey starting from day 1 and decided to share it online. He said that way he’d stay committed to reaching his goal.

In fact, during his first week, he even gained more weight, from 475 to 478lbs, but that didn’t stop him from getting to where he was headed to. It didn’t discourage him. Instead, it motivated him to keep pushing himself forward – everything for a better life.
Then something amazing happened.

Vance kept his promise to change his life, not only for himself but also for his family. He has a wife and three beautiful children, more reasons for him to keep going.

During his walks and runs, more and more people kept showing up.
Some accompanied him on his tracks while some were just there to show him nothing but love and support.

After another week of hard work, from 478, he lost a couple of pounds- then he went down to 468.4lbs! And he couldn’t have been happier with his early progress,
“10 pounds from last week, whoa! Now we’re going in the right direction.”
Someone saw Vance on the internet, someone who could tremendously help him.

He received a reply from a Twitter page named Diamond Dallas Page. He got a generous offer from Dallas Page, more popularly known by his ring name Diamond Dallas Page.

He is an American semi-retired professional wrestler. He is also an actor, fitness instructor, and motivational speaker.

The following year, he started watching DDP’s instructional fitness videos and did his self-taught yoga at home.

He admitted he never imagined it to be that hard, his knee began to hurt, and he even started to feel sorry for himself.
On January 28, 2018, he weighed in again, and his weight dropped to 438.4lbs!
He was making tremendous progress each week. He kept losing weight every time he went on the weighing scale, and he couldn’t wait to see the final results of his hard work.
And on March 12, 2018, he got below the 400-lb mark!

He was 397lbs at that time and the happiness on his face was pretty obvious. His mentors were also amazed by him dropping off the 400-lb margin.

With the guidance of DDP Yoga, and of course Bert who he met during one of his stand-up shows and thanked for inspiring him to change for the better, Vance is definitely on the right track and he’s about to change other people’s lives too.

On April 9, 2018. he lost 101lbs after he weighed in at 374lbs. It was his first-ever 3-digit weight loss!
On November 19, 2018, Vance met Dallas.

He finally met the other guy who played an important role in his transformation. The man who gave him the right knowledge about getting fit.
That day was also the 365th day since he started his journey to fitness.
And his weight on the 365th day?

He has lost a total of 198lbs in just a matter of 1 year! Could you believe that? We bet not even Vance, Bert or Dallas believed what this then-big guy had achieved in his 365-day journey to fitness.

All the tiring workouts, a healthy lifestyle, proper diet, and a positive mindset to achieve his goal have finally paid off! With the support of his family, friends, and all the people who believed in him, Vance showed us all that nothing is impossible. We can all…
“Be Positively Unstoppable.”
Watch the video below to see Vance’s journey to fitness and his unbelievable transformation after 365 days.
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