Man shares delicious recipe for homemade ice cream that includes just 3 ingredients
This is simple and delicious, truly the best combo.
Patricia Lynn

Ice cream is something that seems like it would be a challenge to make.

But in reality, it can be pretty easy and delicious. Or at least, it can be with the right recipe!


Sure, it’s easier to just get them delivered, but there is something about homemade meals and desserts that just hit different.

3-ingredient ice cream tastes like heaven.

Is it the taste?

Maybe, or maybe it’s the way you can customize your recipe. Or does it taste more delicious because of the love that you put into making these meals yourself?

There are still lots of people who would rather learn to make their own meals and even desserts.

YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

In this video, you’ll see Alex, the owner of the YouTube channel Hearty food, make mouthwatering strawberry ice cream.

What we love about it is that Alex only used three ingredients to make this recipe.

That’s right, just three ingredients and you’ll have homemade ice cream.

YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

Even ice cream has its benefits.

Since ice cream contains milk and milk solids, you can get vitamins and minerals. It also gives you energy and can even help your immunity.

Ice cream can somehow stimulate your brain and can even make you think faster.

Of course, the most common benefit of ice cream is that it makes you feel happier.

YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

No wonder people eat ice cream when they feel blue. But of course, too much will not be good. We’re not encouraging that.

So, let’s go ahead and make this strawberry ice cream.

First, prepare the following:

  • 2 cups of whipped cream of your choice
  • 1/2 cup of condensed milk
  • 1/2 – 1 cup of fresh chopped strawberries, depending on your preferences
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

Step 1. Prepare your whipping cream by measuring it, and then whip it.

Once you’ve achieved a fluffy consistency, transfer it to a bowl but be very careful, we don’t want to lose that fluffiness.

This is the key to an airy ice cream that we all love.

Step 2. Add your condensed milk and whip. Once it’s nice and smooth, let your whipped cream and condensed milk rest.

YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

Step 3. Wash all your strawberries and let them dry on a kitchen towel.

Step 4. Cut them into small pieces and then, once you’re done, you can fold the strawberries into your whipped condensed mixture.

Be careful because we don’t want to compromise the texture. Fold in the strawberries and be patient.

Step 5. Once you’ve mixed your strawberries and milk cream, you can transfer it to a container and cover it with cling wrap.

Pexels / David Disponett
Pexels / David Disponett

Refrigerate for at least two hours, and that’s it.

You can serve it with topped fresh strawberries or as is. Your choice!

What’s great about this is that you can customize your homemade ice cream. Instead of strawberries, maybe you can add mangoes, dark chocolate, or even cookies.

Homemade ice cream is better because you’ve put effort and love, and aside from that, you know you’re using high-quality and organic ingredients.

YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food
YouTube Screenshots / Hearty food

This ice cream is so easy and has just a few natural ingredients in it. Your family is sure to love it.

Check out the full tutorial in the video below!

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