One of the best tests of our kitchen skills is how well we can make an omelet. There are a few main omelet styles that we’re probably familiar with. The classic French omelet requires you to cook the eggs until they’re slightly brown and to basically cook the ingredients and the egg separately. A frittata, on the other hand, typically has you mix the entire thing together. Still, most of us have probably never had an omurice omelet, a Japanese version of the dish which is even trickier to make than omelets you may be used to.
Still, with practice, you too can make this amazing egg dish. Here’s what you need:
- butter
- 3-4 eggs
- milk
- olive oil
- chopsticks
Here are the steps:
1. To start, crack your four eggs in a bowl and swirl them together thoroughly with your chopsticks. In the meantime, put a non-stick pan on medium-high on with a little bit of oil in it. Once the olive is heated up, use a paper towel to take the excess oil out with enough left to provide a thin coating in the pan.
2. Once everything is ready, pour your eggs evenly into the pan and tilt if necessary to cover the entire surface. Once the bottom of the egg has “set” and the top is still soft, lower the heat a little.
3. Still using the chopsticks and working the egg vigorously, stir the egg so it forms lots of long, thin, curds in the egg. Though there is no magic recipe, make sure all the parts of the egg are incorporated and that the bottom of the egg only cooks lightly (and doesn’t burn or stick).
4. Next, tip the pan away from you and use the chopsticks to carefully fold half of the egg halfway into itself (going away from you). Do the same thing to the other side of the egg—it may help to knock the handle of the pan with your wrist to jostle it into place.
5. Now for the tricky part—when both cooked parts are flipped halfway in, give the entire thing a big flip so that the seams land on the bottom of the pan. Let that cook for just a few moments and you’re done!
6. Finally, carefully lay the egg out on a mound of rice the same way it is oriented in the pan. As a final flourish, use a knife to slice the finished omelet down the middle and serve with ketchup. If you’ve done it right, the insides should spill out and open all over the plate. Now, you’re ready to eat!
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