They always say you don’t need a license to be a parent, but you do need a sense of humor. Kids will challenge you to the max and if you can’t find the humor in some situations, well- you’re going to go insane.
We’ve got some pretty funny parenting moments that you may be able to relate to- or at least get a good laugh out of! Check them out!
1. Stop Talking!
This child probably had no idea what he was saying to his mom, but mom and dad both knew that he better stop talking…now!

2. Get Down, Nobody is High
What a great song- not! I’m sure everyone must have loved this song!

3. Identity Theft
Kids are smart these days and even know what phrases like identity theft mean. That’s why one child told his parent he wasn’t filling out a form his teacher gave him. He thought they were trying to steal his identity.

4. Horrible Parent…not!
Dealing with a tween isn’t easy. They find fault in everything that you do. That’s why this tweet is so relatable.

5. Would You Rather…
How many parents can relate to this tweet? Think of it as a game of “would you rather” when we all know the outcome.

6. Does This Sound Familiar?
Sometimes when you’re trying to have a tender moment with your child, they come out with the strangest comments. Take this one for example.

7. Story Time
Kids are known for telling some long tales. It can take them forever to just spit it out!

8. Who Needs Sleep?
Do you really need sleep? If you have kids you better answer no! Kids and sleep just don’t mix. Many parents can relate to walking around like zombies!

9. Classic!
Who ate the cookies? Mom wasn’t going to fess up about eating the cookies to her kids. Dad’s taking the heat and she’s just watching…classic!

10. Just Mailing It In
Parenting is tough and can beat you down to the core. Three years is a good run, don’t you think? We all know how exhausting it can be!

11. No One Said Preschool was Easy
Preschool can be tough. Add in the Zoom element- it’s a totally different animal! This little guy is just trying to make it through. We know it’s tough buddy!

12. Wait Until Empty
Usually, a new package gets opened because people in the house simply can’t find the one that’s opened already. Many times it’s right in front of them and they don’t realize it until they’ve already opened the new one.

13. Isn’t That The Truth?!
Gender reveal parties have become all the rage. This momma is keeping it real just tweeting what many of us are thinking!

14. We’re Going to be Late
Anyone with kids knows that punctuality isn’t happening. If it isn’t someone losing a shoe, it’s moments like this that make everyone late. No need to apologize, we all get it.

15. Just Say Yes
We’ve all been there. Your child asks if you just saw the latest amazing thing they did. You don’t want to lie. But, when you have to watch them recreate it, you wish you did.

16. Keeping it Real
You may start off the day feeling like you can conquer anything, but by the end, you’re ready to call it quits. Being a mom is tiring, so it’s all good to feel this way.

17. Harsh!
Girls and their mothers can have a love-hate relationship. But, nothing is going to stand in the way of a girl and her dad. This tweet just proves it.

18. Dad’s a Comedian
Kids are not known for their listening skills. That’s why this tweet is so funny. As many times as you say “don’t do it again”, you can guarantee they will…over and over.

19. Girls Gotta Wear Shades
When it comes to school picture day, you never know what to expect. But one mom thought the photographer surely would have had her daughter remove her sunglasses before saying cheese. Guess she was wrong!

20. Always the Last Place to Look
Sometimes you just have to state the obvious and that’s just what this child was doing. But, we don’t think Dad appreciated the sarcasm.

21. No Need to Say More
Hey, kids tell it like it is. Who’s to say this little girl wasn’t right in her observation?

22. When Teddies Attack
Kids have some active imaginations. So, it’s no wonder that this little guy had to ask this question. Inquiring minds want to know.

23. No Joke
Those ladders can be dangerous. Kids don’t seem to mind them, but it’s a different story for parents.

24. The Beauty of Being a Mom
Moms have to deal with a lot, so if they get to eat the cookie dough and the kids don’t, so be it. At least they’ll get the cookies when they’re done.

25. Playing Favorites
Kids change their favorite everything so quickly. It’s hard to keep up. One day it’s a favorite and the next they can’t stand it.

These are just a few of the funny parenting moments shared across the internet. We all have our own that can come pretty close to these. Remember, when parenting gets tough, have a laugh, keep calm, and parent on.
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