Gordon Ramsay may not be the person you’d expect to have a good burger recipe, but the chef can whip up a pretty mean one.
You might think that all he cares about are fancy, gourmet, or high-restaurant dishes. You’d be wrong.
A few years back, Gordon Ramsay showed how to make his perfect burgers.
The great news here is that he has a simple video that you can follow along with.

You’ll want the best meat you can find for these. Ramsay has selected a nice chuck and a good brisket for his demonstration.
The grill has to be “piping” hot and oiled up nicely so the burgers don’t stick. If you’ve got a grill with a cover, even better. That helps make sure they don’t stick.
Prepare some chilis and mix some egg yolk into the meat if you want them to taste as nice as possible. Season the meat in the freezer, preferably the night before. This will give you tasty and firm burgers that will cook comfortably on the grill.

Throw a bit of oil on the burgers and make sure you seasoned them well. He recommends “rolling” the seasoning onto the burger.
Then when you’ve done all the nuanced steps, put the burgers on the hottest spot on the grill. They’ll cook for around 4 minutes.
So now the burgers are cooking. That gives you enough time to start on the non-meat parts of the burger. That would be the buns and the onions.
No one likes soggy, soft buns – especially not Ramsay. That’s why you should toast them. If you wanna do it the fancy way like does, you can drizzle them with salt, pepper, and oil before lightly toasting them.

Peel and season the onions. Top them with pepper too. In case you haven’t guessed, Ramsay loves seasoning things.
Ramsay lightly puts butter on his onions so they can caramelize while they grill. Now toss those onions onto the grill. You can include some bacon too.
Cut up some tomatoes and lettuce while everything’s on the grill.
Ramsay had an important tip for this step: prepare everything else first before you start grilling the burgers.

That means the toppings, buns, vegetables, and so on.
Why? It’s so the burgers can go straight into the buns with everything ready to go. If you did them the other way around, you’d have burgers waiting on the grill and getting cold while you try to prepare the buns and everything.
You can let the burgers cook for another 5 minutes if you like.

Already, we’ve got seasoned meat with some bacon and tasty buns going. Where’s the lettuce and cheese? And the mayo?
Turn your attention now to the lettuce and cheese. Put some cheddar cheese on the cooking burgers.
Here’s another trick courtesy of the famous chef: put the mayo on the buns before everything else.

Because, he says, “Once you’ve assembled the burger you can’t re-break it down.” In other words, trying to put the mayo and ketchup in the burger after it’s already been made is pretty awkward.
Now the most important part: assembling the burgers.
First, the buns. Then the mayo, then the lettuce. Along come the cooked burgers and the delicious cheese melted on top of them, followed by a slice of tomato.
And last, but not least, the cooked and caramelized onions on top.

Cover them with the top bun, and now you have your burgers in the style of Gordon Ramsay.
The best part about making them yourself at home is that you won’t have him yelling at you for any mistake you make.
I’m joking, of course. He only does that because mistakes and irresponsibility have no place in a busy restaurant kitchen.

And as he’s shown here, Ramsay is capable of just taking it easy and grilling some nice burgers when he’s not on TV.
Watch the video below if you want to follow along with him!
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