Who said only adults can have a good time in front of a live band?
Music has this magical effect on anyone, wouldn’t you agree? When you hear a good piece of music, there’s something that just makes you bop your head along with the beat of that music, or sometimes, it will even make you dance- even if you are not a dancer.

This law of attraction between music and our bodies is simply amazing, and no branch of Science can actually explain it. It’s indescribable but in a really good way.
After all, dancing is oftentimes related to celebrations and self-expression, and expressing your true self or emotions couldn’t get any livelier than moving your entire body to upbeat music.
This logic might be too advanced for a toddler but not for this little girl. She knew what she had to do when she heard a wonderful piece of music – she danced to it!
Kids do what they want to do.

In a kid’s eyes, the world is simple. Perhaps they see life as a simple “yes” and “no”, or probably even simpler than that. Their innocence about things makes them the most beautiful creatures in the world.
You give them food, they’ll eat it. Give them toys and they will play. Just like when you play music, they will dance to it, and that’s what this cutie little dancer did.
The cutest dancer you’ll ever see in your life.

The video clip of the little girl’s dance performance shows her in front of a stage where a band seems to be performing live. She looks so joyously overwhelmed with the loud music playing, she gives the people the coolest dance moves as the reggae music keeps on playing.
Her name is Missy and she is dancing to “Stir It Up” by Bob Marley.

The song was composed by none other than Bob Marley himself, the pioneer of modern-day reggae music himself.
He was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician. He was known for his huge contribution to music, thus resulting in the increased visibility of Jamaican music worldwide.
He then became a global figure and was popularly known as a Rastafari icon. Bob Marley is also considered a global symbol of Jamaican music, culture, and identity. Sadly, due to an illness, he passed away.
“In 1977, Marley was diagnosed with acral lentiginous melanoma; he died as a result of the illness in 1981.”

This little girl sure knows how to groove to Bob Marley’s music.

She stops from left to right, she also knows how to hip dance, and swings her tiny arms up and down. The crowd is definitely melting from little Missy’s adorable dance routine.

At one point in the video, a man walks up to her and shows off his own moves.
He looks like he’s inviting the toddler to a dance showdown.
Little Missy just stares at him and doesn’t even seem to be challenged at all, the man quickly walks away, giving the spotlight back to the right person – and that’s none other than Missy.

In the latter part of the video, as the song ends, Missy applauds the crowd while flashing her sweetest smile, then takes a bow.
So much charm coming from the little performer, the crowd sends the love right back at her by applauding for the afternoon entertainment.

Watch little Missy’s adorable performance in the video below.
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