Some people are naturals in the kitchen. They can take what seems like nothing and create a true masterpiece fit to feed a king. Then again, some people who cook, or try to cook, should consider taking up a different hobby. Although they give it their best effort, this just isn’t their forte.
As you’ll see from these 75 photos, these individuals have no business spending any time in the kitchen. This combination of funny and horrifying is sure to make your day. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Not only are avocados delicious but they’re also loaded with nutrients. Beautifully sliced pieces work great in salads, on burgers, and simply as a side dish. Somehow, we don’t think this qualifies as “beautifully sliced.”
Whether with a glass of milk or a hot cup of coffee, nothing tastes better than a piece of homemade banana bread right out of the oven. We’d like to give them a break since it was their first time to bake anything but we just can’t.
3. It’s the thought that counts
This husband wanted to surprise his wife with delicious chicken stew. The problem is he didn’t follow the directions very well. On a side note, it’ll still probably taste okay…it just won’t be stew.
If you’re going to cook something directly on the stove’s burner, you better make sure to use a dish designed for that. Otherwise, this is what happens. At least they killed two birds with one stone… ruined the dish and dinner.
Microwaves have made life so much easier. But as this individual discovered, they shouldn’t use it to cook everything. Hopefully, no one was injured during this dinner-making process.
6. You know you suck at cooking when…
…the food tastes terrible and your cookware goes on strike by doing this. Okay, maybe, just maybe, this was the manufacturing company’s problem. Then again, this person might want to stay out of the kitchen.
Maybe with a little bit of practice, this person could turn out to be an extraordinary chef. But they’re going to have to think well beyond sardines and peppers that look like the backends of three ladies in go-go boots.
Why in the world would someone make chocolate covered Brussels sprouts complete with sprinkles? They said it was for April’s Fools. But we think this person thought they would taste good and only said that because it was a big-time fail.
When your food looks back at you with a huge frown on its face, perhaps it’s time to let someone else make breakfast. But you have to admit this is pretty cool.
10. Do you know what it is?
If you guessed a ball of lava, you’d be wrong. This, believe it or not, is a very overcooked baked potato. We can’t say we’ve ever seen one that glows like that. How long did they cook it to achieve that effect?
11. Hate it when that happens
Kudos to this person for trying to make a nice dinner for their family. But just a word of caution, plastic doesn’t do well in a hot oven. Can you imagine the smell?
Coming home drunk, this individual decided to make a late-night snack. Unfortunately, they fell asleep and ended up with this. Thank goodness they didn’t burn the house down,
Okay, we know the turkey was dead but we still feel really sorry for it. We feel even more sorry for the people waiting at the dining table for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
What a great choice for breakfast…if you go to a local restaurant. You certainly wouldn’t want waffles at this person’s house. Perhaps if it was smothered in syrup it’d be okay…probably not.
15. Questionable innovation
Repurposing Christmas tree cookies isn’t a bad idea. But we have one question. How long after baking these did this person decide to turn them into alligators?
Darn it…killed a cutting board and a fish at the same time. At least the body is still good…then again, we haven’t seen how they used their cutting skills for that.
One mom’s daughter decided to make a pizza. She gets an A for effort but her mother needs to teach her that using a plastic cutting board as a pan is never a good idea.
Two things. First, this individual found their glasses, which is good. Second, did they lose them before adding the ingredients? If so, we’re not sure we’d eat this.
19. Eyes are bigger than the stomach
Although this occurred at a restaurant, it was too funny not to include. This young boy insisted he could eat this monster size calzone. His expression says it all.
Avocado toast is delicious. It provides the perfect balance of creamy and crunchy. But this alien-looking blob doesn’t have that same appeal. Our advice — stay out of the kitchen.
After the apple cutter broke, this person had two options. They could either hand everyone a sharp blade to hold onto while eating a slice or use the apple as a weapon. Personally, we think they should throw it all in the trash.
If you’re going to show off for friends by flipping pancakes, you might want to make sure you know what you’re doing. Even if it didn’t make this guy’s hair smooth and silky, he’ll smell yummy.
An experienced cook would know that something like this won’t work. Even if they see an example online, there’s an excellent chance it won’t turn out as expected. This inexperienced cook had to find out the hard way.
24. Don’t try this at home…
…or anywhere for that matter. If you’re going to make sushi, make sure you have plenty of salmon on hand. Swapping it out for hot dogs is never a good idea. That’s just gross.
This guy made breakfast for his pregnant girlfriend. Let’s hope she has a good sense of humor because there’s something slightly disturbing about eating a pancake that represents a fetus.
This is perfect for people who don’t like fluffy rice. Instead, they can nibble on a disc. Come to think of it, this might make a great Frisbee for a day at the park.
If you stand facing west, squint your eyes, and hop on one foot, you’ll see it too. Okay, this looks nothing like a horse. This individual might want to check their ingredients again…they seem to be a little off.
28. Give them what they want
This mom’s kids wanted her to cut their sandwich in the shape of a star. We have no idea how she came up with Texas instead. Hopefully, the sandwich tasted better than the free-hand cutting.
29. If you have a sensitive stomach…
…look away now. Never in a million years should anyone make a pizza that consists of standard ingredients and sushi. Apparently, this couple couldn’t decide so they went with this unique combination.
30. This is almost as bad
At least this is just sushi shaped like a slice of pizza. That, we can stomach. As long as it tastes good. But it’s still not all that appealing.
In this case, we didn’t want to say too much or it’d come off rather rude. The only thing we want to know is what this individual used to open the peanut butter.
Well, if this happens to be a science project then it’s awesomet. But considering it was someone’s attempt at cooking caramel, awesome doesn’t apply.
If someone is going to try to cook, the first thing they need to learn is about food safety. Storing raw meat on top of cooked meat is a guaranteed trip to the nearest hospital.
Right after learning about food safety, people need to understand the benefits of prepping before cooking. This is a prime example of someone who thinks cutting up vegetables is a big waste of time.
What’s the big deal? Don’t brownies cook the same way in a bowl than they do in a pan? Well, by the looks of it, the answer is no.
By now, most people know the importance of not overdoing it on the carbohydrates. But this person doesn’t care. By golly, they wanted paste inside of bread so that’s what they made.
37. Right idea…wrong application
Bless her heart. This woman tried so hard but yet failed so miserably. Yes, she put sour cream, salt, and pepper on top of the Tilapia in preparation for grilling it. The only problem — she forgot to first remove the plastic that covered the fish.
While his girlfriend visited her grandmother, this guy said he’d make dinner. When she got home, this is what he served. And it only took him an hour to pull it all together. Hey, cooking carrots and bread is hard.
39. Something’s not quite right here
Even getting a snack from the kitchen proves to be too much for some people. After taking a bite of this cheese, the woman didn’t like it. Let’s hope her husband told her she needed to first remove the plastic covering.
For the life of us, we can’t figure out why anyone would make a dish like this. While we’ve never tried pasta with chocolate, we’re pretty sure it tastes as disgusting as it looks. If you stare at it long enough, it appears to move.
Here’s another crazy idea that someone without any cooking experience came up with. While the sprinkles add color to the seafood, we doubt they did anything to improve the flavor.
42. An interesting breakfast
We’re pretty sure this was done by a kid. At least we hope it was. Regardless, fruity cereal topped with milk served inside a bell pepper just isn’t our cup of tea.
There are always going to be people who see something spectacular online and feel 100 percent sure they can replicate it. Unfortunately, those people are usually the ones without any kitchen experience. Here’s proof.
Some parent thought covering a hog dog with corn would be enough to fool their child into eating vegetables. Of course, stuffing a hot dog with corn would be just as gross. We’re with you kid.
45. It looks like something’s missing
Like maybe a hamburger patty. And what about all those wonderful condiments. Somehow, a slab of onion on a piece of cheese isn’t going to fill anyone’s stomach. Is this even healthy?
The issue here is the “cook” forgot to add liquid to ensure the meat comes out super moist. It might taste okay without preparing it correctly, we wouldn’t recommend this chicken for anyone…especially people who wear dentures.
47. Sorry but we’re gagging
Homemade pie is delicious, especially when topped with a scoop of ice cream. But pies made from Gushers and Fruit by the Foot candy? Thank you but we’ll politely pass. Surely, better recipes exist although they might not be quite as colorful.
48. Perfection at its worst
Have you seen pictures of perfectly cooked eggs inside of bell pepper rings? They’re really cool. But here’s another example of an inexperienced cook trying hard to replicate the dish.
We’re not sure this person should be bragging about their homemade mozzarella sticks. Well, perhaps it’s how you look at it. If this was meant to discourage the in-laws from coming for dinner…mission accomplished.
50. Everyone loves bacon…
…except when it’s served this way. We think this was supposed to be similar to Yorkshire pudding but with bacon. Here’s a piece of advice…stick to strips.
These were supposed to be melted snowman cookies. But either this person had no clue what they were doing or they decided to make treats that would give their children nightmares for years to come.
When done correctly, these cookies look like adorable little bears holding on tight to a nut. Maybe this person just baked them too close together. We think they should switch to a different type of dessert next time or just stay out of the kitchen altogether.
53. A mountain with eyes?
Nope, this is supposed to be a chocolate porcupine decorated with nuts on hits back to look like quills. Don’t worry, we don’t see it either. Not one little bit.
54. So close and yet so very far
Yes, it’s easy to tell this is a cat. But it’s certainly not that cat. Perhaps it’s the eyes…yeah, that’s it, the eyes are all wrong.
Few things are better than a house that smells like freshly baked bread. So, when this guy’s wife said she was making croissants for dinner, he was excited…until she served them.
We simply have no way to explain this kitchen concoction. Putting sardines, plantains, and an egg on a frittata, tart, or pizza crust…whatever it is…should be against the law. We mean serious jail time here.
They’re simple nachos. You know, you place some tortilla chips on a pan, sprinkle on cheese, and broil just until the cheese melts. How can this be so hard? We’ll never know.
We have no idea what this is. And we’re pretty sure the person who made it doesn’t either. While the Goldfish crackers add a nice touch of color, we wouldn’t touch that with a 10-foot pole.
59. Five-star dining…or drinking
At first, this looks like someone tried to turn an ordinary spaghetti dinner into a fancy dining experience. But then you see that liquid floating around and you begin to wonder if it’s some kind of new-age cocktail. Either way…it’s scary.
Especially on a cold afternoon, a bowl of hot macaroni and cheese tastes so good. Well, it would as long as it didn’t look like this. We’re not even sure what’s in there and we don’t want to find out.
For anyone who wants to break up with a guy but doesn’t quite know how. Just make this or something similar. Since we don’t have a clue what it is, they’ll have to get creative.
Making beautiful cakes is both an art and a science. This person decided to make a cake that looked like her dog. We’re guessing her pup resembles roadkill. Sorry, we’re just speaking the truth.
63. Can someone please explain?
We’re not as concerned with the ingredients used as we are the individual who thought making a casserole out of green beans and cheerios was okay. What were they thinking?
Sometimes, people need to stay out of the kitchen because of the things they bake or cook. But in this case, it’s due to someone trying to microwave spreadable chocolate. The results are hysterical yet almost artistic.
Either this person is pregnant, they didn’t have many ingredients in the kitchen for making a sandwich, or they really love pickles. It doesn’t matter…it’s pickle overload.
A lot of salads are made with mayonnaise. But one that consists of cold spaghetti noodles, mayonnaise, and raisins? No, we haven’t tried it and no, we don’t want to.
If this individual serves meals like this, it’s not a matter of asking them to stay out of the kitchen but more like locking up the entire room. They should be banned from cooking permanently. There’s no two ways about it…that’s creepy.
For anyone who wants to impress a new love interest with their cooking skills, this isn’t the way to go about it. One look at this dish and the guy or girl will run away as fast as they can. What is this, by the way?
69. Appetizers are served
Before agreeing to go to someone’s house for the Super Bowl, you might want to make sure they know how to cook or bring lots of goodies that you made. Otherwise, you might end up with Spam bites like these.
70. Please say they didn’t
Can you imagine being invited for dinner and the host serves this? Well, that’s what this individual did. Not only is this a mystery dish but it’s also downright frightening.
This special hot dog wasn’t made by someone at home but it deserves to be mentioned. After all, it’s wrapped in a bun made of cotton candy and then topped with Nerds. Let’s hope someone doesn’t get the idea to replicate it for their kids.
This person thought it was a good idea to serve the family steak and a carrot that strongly resembles a pair of lungs. Somehow, we can’t imagine that’d be very appetizing. Just looking at it makes it hard to breathe.
Why would someone serve pork and beans in a clog? That’s something that goes on the feet, you know. And if that’s the direction they want to take, perhaps they should choose a non-runny food item. Just saying.
74. Presentation is everything
At least this individual tried to make their dish look appealing. But noodles inside of something red and then smothered with processed cheese? They’re’ not very health conscious nor do they care what their food tastes like.
Why cook a turkey, potatoes, gravy, and beans separately for Thanksgiving when you can just throw all the ingredients into one pan. Hey, and that block of cheese adds a little zest. Nice meal.