Coming from the grocery store and putting everything away when you get home should be simple. We all know what goes where, even though we have seen all those organization videos online in the past years.

But what if we’ve been doing it wrong all this time? Foods that don’t belong in the fridge will last longer if we store them correctly. Long shelf-lives from our food and less waste is the way to go.

Potatoes go bad when stored somewhere moist

If you store potatoes in your refrigerator, remove them right away. As a rule, potatoes should be stored in a place that’s dry, dark, and cool. While a refrigerator may be dark inside, it’s definitely not cool or dry.

They are cold and moist inside. It’s fine if you place a single potato in your refrigerator for ten seconds, but storing them in there for long periods of time will convert the starch content into sugar.

Store potatoes in a well-ventilated area instead.