Do you absolutely love chicken tenders? Do you enjoy Doritos?
Are you tired of coating your fried chicken in egg mixture and flour? Do you now find it kind of boring?

This simple, easy, and fail-proof recipe doesn’t disappoint.
A woman has recently shared her recipe for “Doritos Chicken Tender” on YouTube, and we just can’t pass. It’s definitely worth trying.
So, first things first, all you’re going to need for this recipe is chicken, eggs, milk, flour, and some spices.
Does it sound easy so far? Well, it’s probably because it is!

As the woman shows in her video, she first takes a bag of Doritos and she adds in two eggs and a little bit of milk. Not too much, just enough to let all the ingredients mix well.
She then places the bag on her counter and starts crashing the Doritos using a rolling pin.
Oh, by the way, did we forget to mention that this recipe is also housekeeping-friendly? You see, you’ll do all of the mixing and most of the chicken coating inside the Doritos bag!

So, once you’ve crushed the Doritos, start shaking the bag so that all the ingredients for the coating mix very well forming some kind of a paste more or less.
Then, it’s time to work on the actual chicken.
Slice the (boneless, skinless) chicken breast so that you end up with thin slices- they cook faster!
Spice them up with some pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.

Then, take each slice and dip it in some flour until it’s fully coated.
Then, take one slice at a time and put it in the Doritos bag. Close the bag and shake well. This will take more or less thirty seconds until the chicken is fully coated in the Dorito mixture.

Take out the chicken slice and prepare the frying pan. Pour in some frying oil and bring to the right temperature so it’s ready for frying.
Once removed from the pan, place the chicken on a paper towel so that it can absorb any excess oil.
YouTube users just loved the video and couldn’t wait to try the recipe at home.

“I’m not staying hungry again,” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “That looks absolutely Amazing.”
Still, there were those who were not sure the Doritos would not burn during frying or that their taste would remain the same.

Still, we won’t know until we try it, right? It looks like a nice Dorito hack, anyway!
If you’re a Dorito fan and want to find more fancy ways to enjoy them every day, there are actually lots of recipes out there. Anything from a Doritos casserole to cheese-stuffed Doritos, and even a Dorito pasta salad.
The sky is the limit really. You just need some time, imagination, and lots of bags of Doritos!

Head over to the video below to see how this woman prepared her special recipe!
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