Danni Rose le da a nuestras papilas gustativas una razón para cantar con otro plato sureño satisfactorio.
Justo a tiempo para las barbacoas y los picnics de verano, Danni Rose comparte su deliciosa receta de ensalada de papas que hará que sus amigos y familiares pidan segundos y tal vez tercios.
Ella comienza como de costumbre haciéndonos reír mientras nos explica la receta.
“Por favor, use papas rojizas … no use papas rojas ni papas fritas … use una papa abundante”. Danni Rose, Besos en la estufa
Danni instruye a los chefs de la casa para que limpien y sequen las patatas. Luego comienza a pelar las papas y les dice a los espectadores cómo su mamá las pela a mano.
[imgsrc caption = "Captura de pantalla de YouTube: Stove Top Kisses" link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-pNcHCTmcw"]
“If you want it to turn out right then you have to follow your ancestors…everybody got a little Black ancestor in them whether its 1%, 2% whatever you always want to peel your potatoes by hand.” – Danni Rose
Danni dices the potatoes and puts them in water. Once all the potatoes are diced, she drains the starchy water. She fills the pot with fresh water just covering the potatoes.
She adds one of her secret ingredients to the pot- chicken stock.
[imgsrc caption="YouTube screenshot - Stove Top Kisses" link="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-pNcHCTmcw"]

“We are going to boil the water ya’ll for about 6 minutes…it doesn’t take long ya’ll,” the comedy cook explains.
Once boiled, drain the water and make sure to completely cool your potatoes by placing them in the fridge. “Work with cold potatoes ya’ll not hot potatoes.”
“The perfect texture of potato salad ya’ll is not too creamy and not too crunchy.”

Next, it’s time to boil the eggs.
Danni covers her eggs with water and adds some salt. Once it boils she takes it off the heat and puts a lid on the pot. Let the potatoes sit for 14 minutes.
“So honey turn your timer on… 14 minutes, you’re going to have beautiful eggs every time if you do it this way.” – Danni Rose
The eggs then get covered in water and ice to stop them from cooking, about 30 minutes. Danni then saves time by cutting the eggs in half length-wise before peeling them. She uses a spoon to scoop the hard-boiled egg out of the shell. This is a genius time-saver.

The next step is all about creating Danni’s signature potato salad flavor.
She suggests using a good mayonnaise such as ‘Duke’s Real Mayonnaise.’ To that, she adds mustard, sugar, and paprika.

“Don’t be tryin to get fancy…just regular mustard, sugar, paprika and black pepper.” – Danni Rose

The next important ingredient is crucial according to the ‘Stove Top Kisses’ home chef.
Add either ‘sweet salad cubes’ or dice up ‘sweet gherkin’ pickles. “Yes honey!!!”

After the addition of the sweet salad cubes or diced baby gherkins, it is time to stir the dressing.
Danni adds her eggs to the dressing. While stirring the dressing, she checks the seasonings again. Next, add half the potatoes.
“This is another tip…add half of your potatoes and just fold them around.”
Again, adjust spices before adding the remaining potatoes.

“I put it into my bowl here…that ole skool casserole bowl ya’ll know what I’m talkin about….and now we are going to decorate it” – Danni Rose

Danni termina su receta de ensalada de papa sureña absolutamente decadente con el huevo duro restante. Lo corta en rodajas y coloca el huevo encima de la ensalada de papas. ¡Mmm!
Si prueba esta receta, no se arrepentirá y se reirá durante todo el proceso.
¡Vea el tutorial completo e hilarante de Stove Top Kisses Ole Skool Potato Salad en el video a continuación!
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