If you’ve ever taken the time to smell a baby, you know they actually smell pretty great!
Babies seem to have some type of distinct odor that causes our brains to release the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine, thus encouraging us to smell them as often as we can.

While the jury is still out as to why babies, and most notably newborns, seem to have this appealing aroma, experts believe it has to do with the vernix caseosa. This is the white substance babies are covered with when born.
The vernix caseosa is soon removed after birth but some of it may stay inside the folds of the baby’s skin, leading to the appealing “baby smell” many parents have grown to love.
In fact, some parents have even reported complete strangers asking to smell their baby. Sounds pretty creepy, doesn’t it? It is pretty creepy, but it goes to show just how addictive a baby smell can be.
So, if complete strangers are motivated to smell a baby’s head, imagine how much a new parent would want to do the same with their own child.

This might be a soothing moment for an adult but the baby could be having an entirely different experience. They must wonder what about their smell is so interesting to these much larger humans.
That is exactly what was documented in the below video.
A new Dad films himself and his child as the baby reacts to him sniffing their hair.

As it turns out, this baby really is not into having their head smelled! He actually appears to be quite upset at the whole situation.
The baby gives Dad a stern look, his only option before he masters language, and it is clear he wants him to stop.
The video begins with Dad and baby relaxing and watching television.
The baby seems calm and relaxed, not paying attention to Dad at all, and simply watching TV.

Then Dad decides to lean over and give the baby’s head a smell.
The baby’s reaction is swift.
They turn around and give Dad a stare reminiscent of someone asking someone else in a movie theater to please stop talking.
After the disapproving look, Dad starts talking to his baby. “What?” Dad asks aloud. “Jeez… nosy, bro. Mind your business.” At this point, Dad is pretending to have no idea why the baby turned around and glared at him. The baby seems to understand something is up but can’t seem to figure it out exactly.
The baby then decides to heed Dad’s advice about minding their own business. They turn around again but that leaves Dad an opening to go in for another sniff.

After Dad does it again, the baby is again fast to react.
He turns around again and glares at Dad in disapproval.
This pattern plays itself out several times. The baby is clearly annoyed but Dad is having a great time and just about to burst out in laughter throughout it all.
The video was uploaded in March and has since gone viral. It has been watched by almost 21K people with hundreds of people upvoting it.

Dozens of people who viewed the video were motivated to leave comments about how much they loved the baby and his reaction.
“Omg! That baby is an old soul. He looks just like his daddy. They will never get anything past him. Smart cutie pie!” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “If this doesn’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will”.
We loved this short baby-daddy interaction video and we are certain you’ll love it as well! Watching this video will certainly put a smile on your face.
See for yourself by watching the video below.
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