Cop answers call and ends up adopting young boy he’s there to save
This gives a whole new meaning to putting your heart into your job. 💘
Kristina Cappetta

One Oklahoma police officer had no idea that his life would be forever changed when he answered just one call.

Officer Jody Thompson was dropping off his partner at the station when a call came in about a child who needed help.

He wasn’t on duty, but he was a former investigator for the district attorney’s office and handled dozens of abuse cases. Thompson figured he would be a good person to help.

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

He could never have prepared himself for what he found when he arrived at the home.

He found an 8-year-old boy named John who was submerged in a trash can of cold water.

Obviously underweight, the boy had bruises all over his body and a big bump on his head. His wrists had also been bound by a belt. Thompson told CBS News,

“It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”

cop saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

After covering John with a blanket, Thompson took him to the Oklahoma Children’s Advocacy Center.

Detectives would need to take pictures of his injuries. John needed to be taken to the hospital and was later admitted to the ICU. Thompson was with him the entire time.

In an interview with CBS News Thompson said,

“When I’d seen him in that house shivering and his hands tied — just soaking wet and confused — I knew at that moment the only time I would be satisfied and sure that he was safe is if he was with me.”

The next step was a no-brainer for Thompson. He knew what he had to do.

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

He started the process of becoming a certified foster parent.

A few days later he brought John home. Thompson already had two sons at home, ages 15 and 8.

They knew their family was getting larger, but they had no idea by how much. Two days later, Thompson’s wife found out she was pregnant with their third biological child.

They were ready to accept that they were going to be the parents of four children. But, the story doesn’t end there. Seven months later, the family was notified that John’s mother had a baby girl while she was in prison.

They were asked if they wanted to foster this little girl as well.

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

Thompson told CBS News that they picked her up at the hospital the following day when she was one day old and brought her home.

“Never in my life did I dream of having a large family, but God had different plans and so here we are. And I’m loving it all,” said Thompson.

officer adopts boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

A few months later the Thompsons were able to formally adopt John once his parents gave up their rights. But, they weren’t so quick to give up their rights for his sister.

There was a lengthy trial where John had to testify against his biological parents.

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

Ultimately, his parents’ rights were terminated and the Thompsons were allowed to adopt the little girl named Paizley.

John is now thriving with his new family.

“He’s a straight-A student, on the honor roll, in the gifted and talented program, involved in the local drama club,” Thompson told CBS News.

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

Thompson received a certificate of commendation from the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigations for his good deeds.

Facebook/Poteau Police Department
Facebook/Poteau Police Department

He says John wanted to share his story in hopes he could help other kids who are victims of abuse.

“We went through something bad, but we’re not going to let it define who were are. We’re not going to let this hold us back,” Thompson told CBS News. “Always have compassion, you never know what you’re going to walk into.”

officer saves boy
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News
YouTube Screenshot/ABC News

Certainly, words to live by.

Learn more about their touching story in the video below.

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