Have you ever noticed that the most delicious recipes usually require you to do something you would’ve never thought of? These delicious recipes are the result of countless hours of experimentation. It’s in these countless hours of experimentation where “secret food techniques” are uncovered. Let the following recipe serve as a perfect example.

In this video, you’ll watch as the amazing team from Tasty demonstrates how to make delicious cheese toast. What’s cheese toast you ask? I honestly didn’t know either. By the end of the video, however, I was dying to my hands on some. It looks absolutely delicious.
What’s unique about this recipe is that it requires you pressing down on the bread in order to provide room for additional ingredients. Some of you that are more food-inclined might think this is a common technique. Many of us, however, would’ve never thought to try this. Now excuse me as I head over to my kitchen and attempt to create some delicious cheese toast for myself!
Please SHARE this delicious cheese toast recipe with your friends and family.
Cheesy Egg Toast Perfect For Breakfast
Posted by Tasty on Sunday, November 15, 2015
- 1 slice of toast
- 1/2 tablespoon butter
- 1 egg
- 3 tablespoons shredded cheese
- salt and pepper to taste
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
- Use a spoon to press down on the center of the bread and form a pocket
- Line the edges of the bread with butter.
- Crack an egg into the pocket you created in the toast
- Line the edges of the bread with shredded cheese
- Sprinkle salt and pepper on top
- Bake in oven for 10-15 minutes depending on how firm you want your yolk