When can you confidently say that you’ve done a good job as a parent to your kids?

A parent is a child’s first teacher. That is why we teach our children not only the basics of life but also the fundamentals of kindness.
We constantly give them lessons about the difference between right and wrong. What they should and should not do.

As a responsible parent, we do all these, it is to gear them up before we send them out to the real world. Once they are out there on their own, we hope that they remember all the good things that we taught them and everything that they learned at home.
A pair of New Jersey parents discovered how their children were behaving.
It was all thanks to their children’s school bus driver who sent them a note to let them know about their kids’ behavior.

The school bus driver’s name is Cindy Clausen and she has been driving buses for the Princeton school district for more than two decades. It is needless to say that she has already transported and seen countless kids over the years.
Kids going in and out of the school bus is her everyday view, however, there were several students who have truly captured her attention.

Siblings Annaliese and Jorge were just among those “one of a kind” kids. They would ride the school bus and interact with another student named Jaxson, who has difficulties walking because of a medical condition.
Clausen noticed the way how Annaliese and Jorge treated Jaxson, so she decided to let their parents know about it.
What she had to say pulled a lot of people’s heartstrings.
When parents receive a letter from the school that discusses their children’s behavior, it usually gives them a bad feeling. They immediately assume that their child has done something wrong. But this case was different, a lot different if I may say.

Clausen printed a note addressed to Annaliese and Jorge’s parents.
The note immediately began with a heartfelt message:
“I am compelled to write to tell you how beautiful your children are, inside and out! This can only come from the home, your patience and guidance, the examples that you set and teach.”

The siblings’ parents must have been so proud, who wouldn’t be moved by that opening?
Clausen then proceeded by explaining things in a more detailed manner:
She continued:
“I have a child on my bus named Jaxson. Both of your children have shown him much compassion and support. Every day your children ask if they can sit with Jaxson.”

Annaliese and Jorge are kids with pure hearts.
They went out of their way to make their seven-year-old classmate feel that he’s not alone and that they are his friends.
Jaxson is one lucky kid, blessed with kind classmates like Annaliese and Jorge.
Clausen added on the note:
“Some days Jaxson is a little sad getting on the bus but as soon as he sees Annaliese and Jorge he smiles. Jaxson has difficulties walking and it takes a bit for him to get to his seat.”
Clausen also shared some beautiful moments between the three kids.
“Today Annaliese looked out from around her seat and said, ‘come on Jaxson, you can do it’ and when we arrived at school Jorge took it upon himself to carry out his backpack!”
She ended the letter by saying:
“I know you know how wonderful your children are, but I wanted you to know that it shows! Cindy Clausen Bus #50”

Belmax De Jesus, Jaxson’s mom, also shared her thoughts about the kind gesture of the siblings towards her child:
She told Chasing News:
“I look at them as angels because it’s like, how do they know how to be so compassionate and so kind … it’s so pure and genuine. I’m also very grateful for the parents because clearly they’re doing something right. For their kids to be so open and loving, that is definitely stemming from the home.”
The letter was then shared by Love What Matters and went viral.
That’s no surprise at all, reading such a beautiful story about kids showing genuine kindness to others will surely make anyone smile in awe and even push some tears from their eyes. It’s a story filled with good characters and they bring nothing but positivity and good vibes to everyone.

We need more heartwarming stories like this, especially during these difficult times. Let us all be kind to one another, and let us make this story a good example.
Watch the video below to see more about this beautiful story of kindness.
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