Whenever we are sick, the first thing that we usually do is to buy medicine. But we should also try some natural remedies as many of them are effective.

What are the natural remedies for cough?

These home remedies can be our other options to help us cure our cough aside from taking over-the-counter (OTC) medicines.
According to Healthline, the 7 “best natural cough remedies” are honey, probiotics, bromelain, peppermint, marshmallow, thyme, and salt with water.
These can all ease the irritating feeling of dry cough or phlegm.
But have you ever heard about whisky being a remedy for cold?

Well, it’s not really the whisky that can cure a cold and cough, but it can give you relief from them. Just don’t drink too much, though.
You can make a Hot Doddy – which has lemon, hot water, or herbal tea.
There’s another one which is the Bourbon cough syrup.

It turns out, it’s not complicated to make. Thankfully, The Kitchn shared the recipe and Reviewed made a video of the entire recipe that’s very easy to follow.
Here are the ingredients you’ll need for one serving:
- 2 oz. of Bourbon whisky (Not too much, okay?)
- 1/2 lemon
- 2-4 oz. of water
- 1 tablespoon honey
- Mug
Have we mentioned that the ingredients are so easy to find? Most of these are probably in your kitchen already.
Let’s talk about the steps that you’ll need to follow.
1. Get your mug and pour 2 ounces of whisky into it.

2. Then, you’ll need to add the juice of the lemon.

2 squeezes from the lemon are already enough.
3. Put the mug inside the microwave for 45 seconds.

Make sure to look after it because if you won’t, the liquid might evaporate and you’ll need to do it again. This is just a reminder.
4. Add 1 tablespoon of honey.

After getting your mug from the microwave, while it’s still hot, you can add honey. Make sure to mix it well.
5. Put it inside the microwave again.
Leave it there for another 45 seconds. It’s your choice if you would add water or drink it as it is. Of course, just wait for it to be warm before you take it.

This drink would surely give you a good sleep. And when you’re sick, sleep is really important for your recovery.
If you’re interested to know how to make Hot Daddy too, you should know that the drink is quite the same.
But of course, the procedure of the recipe is quite different as well as the ingredients.
Hot daddy really uses hot water or herbal tea. But it also requires the same ingredients like lemon, honey and of course, the main one – whisky.

With this one, it would be also your choice if you would add cloves or cinnamon.
The procedure
With this one, it’s your choice if you would use the microwave or simmer the water. After that, you just need to add put the ingredients together.
For the full recipe, you can visit Vifbarware.
There, they also tackled the reasons why whisky can help you cure a cold. One of them is it “numbs pain” and it has an antioxidant – which is Ellagic acid.
In addition, it would be really better if you would do Hot Daddy or Bourbon cough syrup.
You can watch the video down below for the recipe for Bourbon cough syrup!
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