In today’s generation, artists and even amateurs record their music electronically, and even remotely (if it’s a band or group) because of the pandemic.

Just how seldom do we see live performances? When was the last time that you’ve seen a live band performing on an enormous stage with their giant amplifiers and loud music that can travel to distant places? Has it been a while? Do you miss seeing one?
Well, say no more, because this group of teenage boys will bring you back to those days.
Bringing the 80s feel back in the 21st century.

A video surfaced on the internet back in 2015, when this group of teenage boys performed in an empty garage. They didn’t just perform to some ordinary music, they rocked and rolled to a Guns N’ Roses classic- none other than ‘Sweet Child of Mine’, and the result? A stupendous performance!
How often do we see kids of their age with a ‘Rock and Roll’ taste for music?

In this video which went viral 5 years ago, these teens crashed into their parent’s garage and turned it to a mini-concert stage.
We weren’t sure if they just felt like doing it that day or if they were preparing for a school talent show. Whatever it may be, it sure did give the neighborhood a piece of good rock music!

Most of the time, neighbors would consider this kind of music as ‘noise’ and disturbingly unpleasant to the ears. However, this group of boys, in particular, were loved by everyone around them. It was so good that they were able to gather a crowd to watch their casual setup and performance.
Hold your breathe for a second because they will toss you to cloud-nine!
When the video started, it looked like they had just finished a song. The crowd was roaring and cheering all out loud, it only proves that they’ve witnessed something really good just earlier.

Pretty soon, after a couple of inhales and exhales, the group’s lead guitarist, Stratton James, walked in front and gave the audience a spine-chilling introduction.
With just the first three or five notes of his guitar-plucking, you already know what’s coming!

They’re up to an electrifying Guns N’ Roses classic because ‘Sweet Child of Mine’ was up next.
The people watching them went into a frenzy and all you could hear was their endless screams and cheers. With how they reacted, you’d immediately know that these boys are about to bring the house down with their music.
GNR must’ve been so proud!

After the eye-popping introduction of James from his electric guitar, the lead vocalist then powered everything up with his equally good and raspy voice. These teens must’ve been born in the wrong era, don’t you think so?
They absolutely nailed it from start to finish.
These lads effortlessly slay an all-time favorite rock song. What seemed to be a piece of garage music, eventually turned into a concert.

It was also obvious that though they’re a group, the highlight of their performance was James’ guitar plucking! His fast fingers produced an incredible instrumental part of the song that gave the crowd electrifying energy.
And it scored them 5.7 million views on YouTube!
That’s the immense amount of people who’ve viewed their video online. The video is already 5 years old, but there are still people who have watched it just recently. To no one’s surprise, they’re also amazed by the teens’ talents.

Here are some of the recent comments:
“You make it looks so easy to play electric guitar, so young… Amazing !”
“These aren’t my kids and I’m proud of them.”
“Man those kids can rock, I hope that they stay together as a band & don’t let nobody break them up. Keep up the good work, very good…”
James is now 17 years old and still pursuing music. It really is his passion. You may check his Instagram and Facebook for updates.
Don’t forget to watch the video below.
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