Throughout history, chocolate was, and still is, often considered the king of confectionary, and with good reason. It’s both a tasty treat and an invaluable ingredient with many applications in the culinary world.

Chocolate can be used as almost anything in tons of recipes!
As a syrup for ice cream, as chocolate milk powder, chocolate cake, ice cream, the list can go on forever. And with access to all sorts of online recipes, not only can you make some desserts, but also use some clever life hacks.

One of these life hacks is using balloons to create raspberry-filled chocolate desserts.
YouTube channel, Satisfying Cakes, posted a thirty-seven-second video demonstrating one way to apply party balloons in the kitchen. The recipe is very simple and requires only a few ingredients you can buy from any local grocery store

First, melted chocolate is piped into a balloon.
Make sure the balloon is cleaned before inserting the chocolate. Once that’s done, cut the end off with some scissors, and grab a scooper or anything that round and press into the chocolate. Then tape it up to ensure it holds shape. That way, you have what is a personal bowl made out of chocolate!

Once the chocolate is hard, peel away the balloon and add your other ingredients.

In this video, Satisfying Cakes decided to go with a raspberry-flavored filling. However, you are welcome to try other versions of the recipe. As per the video, a spoonful of raspberry jam is placed on the bottom as a base before adding a single raspberry fruit.

Two more ingredients are added: a swirl of raspberry cream followed by a generous portion of fluffy whipped cream. Then, the dessert is topped with half of another raspberry fruit.

The final product is a delicious fruit-filled chocolate bowl guaranteed to pop with flavor.

Of course, this isn’t the only way to use balloons as a lifehack for cooking. Balloons can also be used to create a different version of chocolate bowls by inflating them and coating them in chocolate.

This is just one example of life hacks being used to create tasty new recipes. The limitations on what to make and what to use are as endless as our culinary creativity.
Did this article leave you craving for chocolate? Take a break and check out this video below.
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