Start saving your bacon grease. Expert DIYer shares 11 unexpected uses for it at home
These are definitely not your every day, ordinary hacks.
Ian Carey

It used to be that we would learn how to cook from our parents. Nowadays, however, people are cooking less than they used to.

This means that many of the cooking secrets our parents’ and their parents’ generations held are not being passed down to the next generation. People are eating out more often and cooking for themselves less.

Honestly, though, is there anything better than a home-cooked meal?


If you want to learn to cook, you need to listen to advice from people who know more than you.

One secret that used to be passed down from generation to generation is to use bacon grease whenever possible. Most people just throw that stuff away but you can use bacon grease for all kinds of recipes and crafts!

We’ve got some popular ways to utilize bacon grease in your kitchen below.

French Toast With Bacon Grease


French toast is delicious- but have you ever tried it with bacon grease cooked into it? You can even serve it with a side of bacon if you are hoping to have two bacon-related tastes during your breakfast.

The bacon grease will add an enhancing flavor and texture to the toast that you’ll never want it to be without again.


Use It In A Bird Feeder

Birds rarely attack pigs in the wild, so they hardly ever get to experience the joy of bacon. If you put bacon grease on a pinecone and stick it in a bird feeder, however, they’ll have a wonderful meal and you’ll be able to watch them from your window.

Cook Eggs With Bacon Grease

Add some bacon grease to your eggs while cooking them to give them an added kick. Bacon and eggs go great together even when you combine them during the cooking process.

Make A Bacon Grease Candle


Making your own candles is not that difficult. In general, wax is used for this but there’s no law that says you can’t substitute bacon grease. It might not be the greatest candle to have out if you have dogs, though.

Create A Fire Starter

Maybe your campfire isn’t growing as big as you’d like. Put some bacon grease on some paper towels, toss them in the fire, and that thing will burn fast!

As Salad Dressing


We don’t recommend telling your doctor that you are using bacon grease for salad dressing but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Mix bacon grease with some mustard and red wine vinegar and you have yourself some salad dressing! This tastes the best over Caesar Salad.

Splinter Remover

Bacon grease can be used to remove splinters as well. If you put some bacon grease on the splinter and then wrap a bandage over it, it should come to the surface by the following day.

Use It In A Cast Iron Skillet


Cast Iron Skillets are great to cook in but they require a lot of maintenance. You need to season your pan with oils but you can also use bacon grease. You’ll save money by not having to purchase other cooking oils too.

Grease A Pan

If you are using a pan that food often sticks to, try coating it with some bacon grease first. You’ll have a no-stick pan and a nice bacon taste to your food.

Remove Sticky Labels

Bacon grease can be used to get stickers off of jars or other items. Just cover the sticker in bacon grease, put some pressure on it and eventually the sticker will come all the way off.

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