BBQ Pit Boys is one of the most well-known YouTube channels when it comes to barbecuing, grilling, and smoking. They have over 600 instructional recipes on video and are followed by around two million subscribers. They are also one of the biggest barbeque communities in the world, teaching people the basic and the most difficult parts of manning the grill.

In this episode, Pit Master Joseph Que walks us through a keto-friendly recipe that will surely blow your socks off. When we think of avocados and meat, we would most likely skew towards tacos and guacamole. But the BBQ Pit Boys are taking it up a notch by making bacon-wrapped avocado bombs. It’s a dish that you’ll definitely enjoy during weekend barbecues, and maybe even when there’s no occasion but to splurge. It’s meaty, it’s flavorful, and it will definitely impress your buddies.
“And you know the neighbors are smelling it. They’re going to want to jump that fence.”
A serving is made up of a whole avocado wrapped in ground beef and bacon. Depending on the number of servings you’ll make, you can measure how much of each ingredient you will need.
- Fresh whole avocados
- Ground beef (preferably ground chuck)
- Bacon (regular cut)
- BBQ Seasoning (BBQ Pit Boys SPG Seasoning used in the video)
- Cheddar Cheese
The recipe
This dish is made of three layers, the bacon wrap, the beef meat ball, and the cheese stuffed avocado halves.
1. Put the avocados by making a lengthwise cut. Then hold the knife steady and rotate the avocado, cutting around the pit.

2. Twist the two halves of the avocado so it can come apart.
3. Whack your knife carefully into the pit then twist and pull it out from the avocado.

4. Cut the cheddar cheese into small cubes and fill the avocado pit holes with the cheese.

5. Season your avocado halves with any BBQ seasoning, Joseph uses the BBQ Pit Boys SPG Seasoning or you can mix up whatever spices you’ve got to your own taste.

6. Put the two avocado halves together to secure the cheese filling.
7. Take some ground beef and make a big patty by flattening it out on your working surface or plate. The size should be big enough to wrap around the avocado.

8. Wrap the ground beef around the avocado until it looks like a big meatball with an avocado stuffing.
9. Cover the meatball with strips of regular cut bacon. You can overlap the bacon a bit to seal the ground beef in.

10. Put them over the grill. You are looking for around 350 degrees Fahrenheit to cook it, but do not cook directly over the flames.
11. Take it off the grill when the bacon is done.

This dish is sure to excite your friends as you treat them with a flavorful mix of bacon and beef while giving them a hearty bite of avocados oozing with melted cheese.
You can check out BBQ Pit Boy’s video below to follow the steps on making the avocado bomb.
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