Babies are often both hilarious and fun. It can be quite entertaining to watch little ones learn and grow en route to becoming full-grown people.
One thing babies often do as they are learning about the world around them is mimic what they see people do.
It’s hard to say how this aunt discovered her niece’s ability to growl. Who or what exactly was her niece mimicking when she learned to do this? Was it a person? Is she mimicking a dog?

It’s possible the baby just growled one day and liked the response it got from those around her.
It doesn’t particularly matter how this precious little video came to be, all that matters is how truly heartwarming it is.
Thankfully, someone decided to hit the record button as auntie and niece had this cozy interaction.

The video starts with the baby sitting on auntie’s lap on a chair outside. The baby is facing in toward auntie and a voice from off-camera can be heard saying the word “Go.”
Auntie then lets out a slow growl as the baby looks back at her.
The baby is fixated on her aunt, seemingly studying everything about her sound and movements. Then the baby returned the favor to her auntie and let out a slow rumbling roar of her own.

It may have only been a small, little noise, but she had every facial expression nailed down perfectly as well.
The baby even put her whole little body into it for maximum effect.
She might not be a full-grown lion, but this baby still has a mighty roar of her own!

Auntie could not contain herself and broke out into laughter with every baby roar!
Baby and Auntie went back and forth several times with their roars.
Nobody could control themselves from bursting into a fit of laughter.
Baby’s roars were short and not as impactful as auntie’s, but she was giving them everything she had. They were little baby roars and they were adorable.

This baby was determined to learn how to growl and roar just like her big aunt does.
Practice makes perfect, and this baby was determined to keep practicing.
The baby was learning through mimicking. All she had to do was study what she saw her aunt do and then do the same. Only a small example needed to be set and then the baby was roaring her little face off.

With more practice came fiercer and longer sounding little baby roars as well.
Finally, the perfect animalistic growl was let out!
She had done it. She had learned to roar. Now, this was a roaring baby. Baby and aunty will always be able to share this moment.

Auntie couldn’t contain herself. She was awash in laughter mixed in with feelings of pride.
“You gettin’ mad at me?” she asked the little girl.
It started to seem that way what with the baby’s roars growing so intense.

These are some precious moments that auntie will likely always remember, even if the baby won’t.
This heartwarming video has been viewed on YouTube over 4.4 million times.
Apparently, people enjoy watching babies growl. Who knew?

“A growl could be your baby’s first attempts at communication with you. Listen to your baby and have some fun trying to decipher what it is your baby is trying to communicate to you,” writes. “A baby growl comes from his or her throat, and while it may not be as common as a baby cry or even babble, it is not unheard of.”

According to experts, babies actually start growling once they reach an age of 4 to 6 months.
Sometimes a baby’s growls will be completely involuntary- but parents shouldn’t be worried.
“Enjoy your growling baby. Babies are precious gifts, and each new thing your baby learns is a present for you to enjoy. Try imitating the growl and see if your baby responds to you,” the website suggests. Get down on their level by laying on the floor for someone on one tummy time or curl up onto a bed bringing your baby close to you just to learn from each other. You may find this is a way for you and your baby to have your secret conversation. You and baby will enjoy these loving moments, and you both will grow closer every day.”
You can check out this rather adorable growling baby in the video below.
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