Technical difficulties can cause all sorts of problems, especially when they happen in public. But, one dad wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of the national anthem being sung at his son’s basketball game.
The technical snafu started when the sound system failed just before “The Star-Spangled Banner” was set to be played.
Parents had gathered to see the Waverly High Tigers play the Portsmouth West High Senators in West Portsmouth, Ohio. No one had anticipated that the sound system wasn’t going to work as they played the national anthem.
But, when it did, Trenton Brown knew what had to be done.
It’s something that not too many people would feel comfortable doing.

Many may have thought he would go to try to help fix the sound system. But, he went one large step further.

He decided to start belting out the national anthem with no musical accompaniment.
There was an even greater surprise.

His voice was powerful and impressive. Everyone was drawn to him and pulled into the moment. They began to join in, proving you don’t need a backtrack to sing.
He not only sings the song, but it’s perfectly in tune from start to finish.

In the end, everyone applauded. It was rightfully deserved.
These days when people are impressed (or unimpressed) with a situation they reach for their phones to capture the moment on video. This was no different.
Johnny Futhey, whose son plays with Trenton’s son on the Waverly team, captured the entire moment on video. He was so impressed that he shared it on his Facebook page for everyone to see.

Since it was shared just two weeks ago, more than 33,000 people have viewed it and over 4,000 people have commented.
Here’s a sample of what they had to say:
“That was one of the best renditions I’ve ever heard. He should record it.”
“Beautiful. Need more Americans like this and more parents.”
“What a great job done…put tears in my eyes, and reminded me of what this country used to be all about and hopefully will be once again!!”
“Truly brought shivers to my soul. This man has got heart and soul.”

In an interview with NBC Ohio affiliate WCMH, Brown said,
“There were some technical difficulties and they couldn’t get the music to play, and it seemed like forever and so finally my wife kind of nudged me and she said, ‘Just sing,’ and so I started singing it, and that was it.”
Brown had some performing experience with his church choir and a band, but he never sang a solo version of the national anthem as he did before.

Brown says he’s always enjoyed singing and that the national anthem has a personal meaning for him.
During the interview reported on the TODAY show, he said,
“To me, it really pulls on my heartstrings because my job, I maintain and service aircraft and support our troops, and my family from my grandfather to my father, two of my brothers, two nephews, a niece and of course my daughter, Grace, all serve in the military.”
After hearing Brown’s rending of the national anthem, it may not be his last. He has proven his patriotism and talent for the world to see.
See Trenton’s soulful rendition of our nation’s anthem in the video below!
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