Once in a while, we are blessed by the food gods. And that’s when we hit the food lottery. The stars align to give us a little something extra special with our meal or snack.
It could be an extra-long fry. An extra cookie in your package. Or a piece of fruit growing inside your piece of fruit.
It’s when you’ve struck food gold. It doesn’t happen often. But it does happen.
Here are 75 times people totally lucked out with their food:
That there is pizza gold. An extra pizza roll. I wonder if someone deliberately put it in there knowing how happy it would make someone. I’d like to think so.
Don’t you sometimes wish you could have all the snacks? If so, then this scenario would be a dream come true. Why does the machine say “Healthy Wealthy Wise” if it’s filled with artifically flavored chips?
This right here is some food porn. If you’re an avocado lover, you’ll know what I mean. Pits just get in the way. But this is chock full of juicy avocado meat.
These things are the cousin of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. And they are sooo good. Especially when they come in twos like this package.
15) Red Pepper, Green Pepper
Now this looks completely bizzare. It’s a little green pepper inside of a red pepper. Green peppers are actually unripened red, yellow, or orange peppers. One day that pepper will grow into the red pepper it’s supposed to be. If it was left to grow.
I’d be shocked to find a single egg with a double yolk. But this was an entire carton of double yolks. It’s actually not as rare of a phenomenon as you might think.
The malted milk balls are supposed to be fairly tiny in a bag of Bridge Mix. Smaller than a penny. Someone didn’t get the memo and put this giant one in a bag. Which is cool because they are the best part of the mix.
Girl Scout Cookie season is the best season. You order a certain amount and make them last as long as you it can. It’s nice to get a little extra once in a while.
Sometimes if you go to a restaurant before they close, they’ll give you their leftovers. This guy went to Five Guys Burgers and Fries. They gave him all this bacon.
Whoever ate this cereal was over the rainbow with what they found. It was an extra extra long rainbow marshmallow. The marshmallow cutting machine made a mistake.
This is a Frankenfruit. This was found growing in someone’s garden. It’s a tomato with a strawberry growing inside of it. It’s actually kind of creepy looking, but I still wonder what it tastes like.
This is a snack ring to rule them all. Somehow this snack ring ended up being like a keychain to the other snack rings. Pretty cool, even the dog thinks so.
This person is going to have extra good breathe. That’s because they got an extra half of a breath mint in the single package. And it’s perfectly broken in half.
75 times people totally lucked out with their food
D.G. Sciortino
Once in a while, we are blessed by the food gods. And that’s when we hit the food lottery. The stars align to give us a little something extra special with our meal or snack.
It could be an extra-long fry. An extra cookie in your package. Or a piece of fruit growing inside your piece of fruit.
It’s when you’ve struck food gold. It doesn’t happen often. But it does happen.
Here are 75 times people totally lucked out with their food: