It’s one thing to enjoy your favorite foods at a restaurant. It’s another thing entirely to experience new plating techniques!
Being a foodie isn’t easy! These pics of plating alternatives will have you wondering what the chefs were thinking. How crazy can they get?!
A special thanks to everyone who posted and shared their experiences so that we can share them too!
1) Comfort Food in a Comfortable Shoe
I wonder if you get to keep the shoes as part of the meal? At least I think these could be easily sanitized!
“What a time to be alive.”
2) Cookie, Macaroon, or Movie?
These deserts are being served on an old videotape!! Uh, health code much? I don’t think that tape case can go in the dishwasher…
“I wish I was joking, an ancient VHS copy of The Bodyguard”
3) Scheduling or Cheese Plate?
Are we working or eating? Maybe this is a good idea if you are trying to get away with a snack during a meeting, but otherwise… let’s save the office supplies for work!
A plate would have don’t a better job of keeping this hot melting cheese from spilling out on to the table, or your lap! This is an example of fine plating not working out.
“Nuts used as emergency cheese dam during slate-based baked Camembert catastrophe.”
This plating doesn’t really add to the food’s appeal. Haha, very punny joke!
“Did you hear about the chef who opened a restaurant which served food on model aeroplanes?
It never took off.”
6) Fried Food “Clog”s Your Arteries…
What is this? I mean, a shoe doesn’t really increase my appetite. Where has this show been anyway? What is it touching my food?
“Squid in a clog.”
There are too many unappetizing references to count. Medical? Anatomy? SO much butter?? This is a miss for me.
A toast skillet isn’t as kitty-cute as this restaurant thinks it is. This just says “no effort”. You want me to pay you, tip you, and put my own butter on in this weird little pan?
I’m not sure how I feel about this one. What’s wrong with serving appetizers on a plate?!
10) Where is Dasher or Dancer or Prancer or Vixen…
How is an entire antler needed for one bite of food? Also, how is an antler needed as a plate? Don’t let the kids see this one, too much explaining.
Does the iron cook the food? This is pretty hardcore. I hope there aren’t any weird chemicals leaching into the food!!!
Cotton: iron on high heat
Silk: iron on medium heat
Nylon: iron on low heat
Prawns: iron on manky board”
I don’t understand… how is this a meal? Is this a mini miniature taco, or a cracker sandwich??
“Style 1 Content 0”
13) Bread Basket or Hand Bag
Again, not sanitary! How does this seem like a good plan? This might be a good idea for sneaking snacks in to the movies, but not eating in a restaurant!
“Chef, we’re out of bread baskets.”
“Don’t suppose you brought a handbag to work, did you?”
Okay, at least they have the bread in a napkin. But still, Legos? The only perk is if they can keep your kids occupied.
Let me just start off by saying that you’d better plan on changing your shirt after. What is this?! And how are the cakes not falling off the straws yet?!
“What’s the messiest and least convenient way to eat a slice of cake?”
16) Pepper Cup Replaces Paper Cup
I am torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s pretty dang sustainable by helping reduce water waste from washing dishes or throwing away a paper cup. On the other hand, why can’t I have a cup when I have paid to come to your restaurant?!
Hahahahaha! This is weirdly very funny. Why is there a pickle in this nesting doll?!
“Pickles inside a Russian doll on a chopping board. Of course.”
18) Everything AND the Kitchen Sink
Of course the flags and firework are necessary. Is it really a good call to have a flame in the dining room though?
“The ‘American Breakfast’, served in a kitchen sink”
19) Food or Bedtime Routine?
Brushing your teeth is not an appetizing experience. Yuck!! I don’t want to think about oral hygiene while eating dessert!
“yoghurt ice cream “brush”, mint-eucalyptus crème “paste” and a G&T at German 2-star restaurant”
20) Pipe Rings… The New Snack
Again, why?! This meal space does not even look sanitary. Is there metal on the table too?
“Because why wouldn’t you want onion rings hanging on salvage from the restaurant’s bathroom refit? “
21) Don’t Press Too Hard With Your Knife…
I am confused. Are we eating off an iPad? Is there some kind of moving visual presentation to the food?
“Ever eaten three variants of Foie gras from an iPad?”
What?! That brush even looks dirty!!!! Woah, this is crazy. Who thought that this was a good idea?!
“I told the waitress…that she forgot to give me the brush…she brought me one.”
This is taking the plant-based food movement to a whole new level. Apparently, at this restaurant, we are all plants.
“Asked for a jug of water and got this. Guess what, tasted like water from a…watering can “
24) A Lightbulb of an Idea
Uhh…what if one of these breaks a little and I swallow a little piece of lightbulb glass? This is a little bit scary here.
“Bubble tea in a lightbulb”
25) I’m Swimming In My Drink
This isn’t really doing the trick for me. Drinking a cocktail out of a bathtub doesn’t really feel the same as drinking a cocktail in a bathtub.
“A cocktail served in a mini-bathtub?”
While the food at this place got good reviews… why doesn’t it come on a plate?! It’s just straight up on the table!!
“Spaghetti on the Board”
27) Not Desert, Tree-sert
This kind of looks like fungus is growing out of this tree trunk. Uh… Is this even sanitary?
“Wasabi spongecake with a ‘wow’ factor. As in: “Wow, some tool has served my dessert on a tree.”
Yep, this is a good point. It doesn’t look appetizing either!!
“Call us cynical, but we don’t believe this skateboard will see the inside of a dishwasher.”
Well, it looks like the syrup has spilled over the edge of this wooden plank and is on the way to your lap. How come someone didn’t realize this?
“What is does the maple syrup need that this breakfast is lacking?”
Did someone open the chip bag and just throw a few extra things in there? What is restaurant food coming to these days?
“Nachos, served in a nachos packet. I need a lie down.”
So, apparently this is a real-life phenomenon in Switzerland. How is this a thing? I mean, I guess they could throw the slippers in the wash between customers…but still.
“Confirmation of the Bread Slippers of Switzerland. You’re welcome.”
Gross. This does not look appetizing! Also, I don’t want to have to roll out my desert.
“Frozen beet and strawberry… in a tube of lipstick”
33) Noodles, Sauce, Cheese… Spaghetti?
That’s pretty expensive for something you could pull out of your pantry! I guess you can choose your own portions? I don’t know about this one.
“You’re going to love this: DECONSTRUCTED SPAG BOL, La Folie Douce, Val d’isere, €29”
So, do they put this on the table while you sit there and wait? It seems like this would take a while. Talk about an awkward meal.
“Yall would love Alinea. Here’s there signature dessert, served on the table.”
Eww, it’s dripping even. This is another shameful expression by Trump. I mean, why?! I don’t even know what to say about this.
“Bacon washing-line at Trump Hotel in Washington DC.“
These tennis rackets aren’t doing a very good job of keeping the food from touching the table… and the table doesn’t get to go through the dishwasher…
“Wimbledon…. sigh”
37) Gravity Defying Spaghetti
I don’t know whether to be impressed or disappointed. I don’t want to pay to eat cold spaghetti!
“Spaghetti held up on a platform to make it cold and hard to eat”
How are you even supposed to sit down? Or reach the food? I think this quote says it all.
“The end of the world is nigh.”
Uhh…where do you sit, and how do you eat?! Oh wait, is that a table on top of a table??
“mini picnic table. Where is my plate?”
Hahaha! I don’t know why this is funny. It’s just weird, I feel like I am in the kids playroom.
“sweets served on an oversized piece of lego”
Woah, scary!! Do not bring your kids here. Seriously, someone could lose a finger!! This is also kind of gross and unappetizing.
“Mini beef Wellington served on a Guillotine”
42) Mirror, Mirror, On the Carrot Cake
Eating this would give me a headache. The glare alone! And then you have to watch yourself eat?! Maybe the mirror will grant you wishes though, if you ask nicely!
“Carrot cake served on round mirrors.”
43) Lighting Up the World One Salad At a Time
The newest Pixar movie… “Salad In A Bowl”. How funny though, that this lamp looks just like the company’s logo!
“you gotta love tiny Pixar lamps with your dinner’
44) The Award For Most Complicated Egg Goes Too…
This looks way to complicated. It’s just an egg people!
“Would you like your egg boiled, poached or scrambled?”
“Boiled and balanced on a 15mm isolating ball valve, please.”
This isn’t as good or as fun of an idea as these people think. Lock up the drunks, not the drinks!
“This caged cocktail”
Soo… can you eat the shoe? I don’t know what really going on here. Also, are the laces really necessary?
“Fritters served in a gelatin shoe”
So, are they serving people or dogs here? The meal even looks like dog food…
“ah yes. A dog bowl. How trendy.”
48) The Opposite of a Plate… Your Hand
This one tops it all. Wait until you hear what the waiter said!!
“First course of a tasting menu: citrus in sugar. The waiter said, “hold out your hand”.”
What?!?!?! I can’t believe this one. They have to be crazy to try and pull something like this. Even the metal pans look medical!!!
“i went to the craziest restaurant in the world”
50) Can You Even Use The Silverware?
This restaurant looks like a really weird place to eat. It looks like everything is up-cycled. They must be really into being green??
“What…is this”
51) Bad Subliminal Message
Novelties only work when they don’t make you feel like you are eating actual trash. What?! Why?
“”How was your meal?”
“Chips were rubbish.””
Hahaha! I don’t know why this is funny. Can’t they just bring it out on the plate? Why does it have to ride out? At least it gave me a laugh!
“Shawarma on a bicycle”
Real upscale, people. And how are the bags staying closed, are they Scotch taped?
“Iced drink in a bag with a straw”
54) Why?
Mini Beef Wellingtons served on barbed wire??? How are you going to eat that? I don’t even feel safe with that at my table. Someone is going to get poked!
55) Garden-Scape, or Food?
What is even happening here? Is there actually food in there? I mean, what is edible?
“Please serve my mushrooms in a small garden that you bring to my table”
Okay, so apparently, chips shaped like clothes exist. And some people put said chips on a clothesline. Okay. I’ve seen it all!
“Chips on a washing line (Citron in Dublin)”
57) Eat This Led Zeppelin, Literally
Somehow I think the stairs would make you feel more full than you are as you eat your way to the top of sushi heaven. Good for dieting.
“stairway to sushi”
58) Centerpiece, or Meal?
Is there food in there? You would have to trust the waiter on this one. I don’t know… it’s like—why??
“The Food is somewhere in there’
59) What’s With the Stairs?
That doesn’t look very sanitary. And what exactly is in that loose cabinet down there at the bottom? I don’t know, the whole thing is creeping me out.
60) This Qualifies As a Salad?
Hahahahaha!! Why go to a restaurant when you have to prepare your own salad? Come on, people.
“This is not what I expected when I ordered a Caesar salad”
This dish is giving me the creeps! I don’t want to eat out of a weird gelatin hand!!
“Found on FB group ‘Chef’s Arse’… FFS”
62) Fancy Carrots, Confusing but Cool
This is amazing. How did they even do that in this carrot pâté thing? Very neat.
“How about carrot latte”
There is no way a human could eat this whole thing in one sitting. How is this even on a menu, and how is this considered a burger?!
“Terrible bun:meat ratio and precariously tall burger on a skillet on a board with a sword through it.”
This must be made for really skinny people, or people on serious diets. How is this a dish?
“All that for A strawberry cut in half.’
Well, this does remind you of the farm. Other than that, I am not sure of the redeeming qualities. I mean, where do they even store these between customers, is it sanitary?
First off, there is a National Lazy Day? Also, I hope the restaurant didn’t charge for more than just the orange. I mean, seriously!
“On #NationalLazyDay we recall the time a customer ordered an orange juice and was presented with this.”
67) Fish and Chips Ferris Wheel
This looks highly unstable. Like it’s just going to fall over and off the table at any moment if you move anything. Not what you want out of a meal experience!
68) Food That Defies Physics
Uhh… okay? This is incredible and crazy all at the same time. I am not sure whether to compliment the chef for a job well don’t on holding up all of this food, or to just go on strike until someone brings me a plate.
69) Deconstructed Salad = Confusion
Is there actually any food on there? All I see are onions…
“I’m speechless”
70) “Award-Winning” Scotch Egg
This scotch egg deserves a trophy! I think the chef is trying to send us a subliminal message to improve the restaurant’s social media ratings.
I guess they got bored and needed to make cake-cups instead of cup-cakes. Hey, whatever gets ya goin in the morning!
“Cake Cups”
Huh? The bread looks like books and I’m not sure how I feel about all this.
“Afternoon tea in a bookcase.”
This wasn’t what I had in mind when I ordered the Margherita Pizza. Do these two things even go together? It doesn’t even look like food!
“Pizza slice on a Bloody Mary jar”
Eww, gross! My gag reflex is going off. How is this okay to serve as a meal?
“A jaw mold.”
Are the tacos sitting right on top of the soil?! Come on, now.
““How are your tacos?”
“Growing on me.””
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