It is not easy to play the guitar, especially if you have stiff fingers. Though learning how to play it is always an option, still, not everyone can play it as incredibly as this boy in the video.

He is a once in a lifetime talent!
The 10-year-old boy is Garret Podgorski and he blew everyone away with his guitar-playing skills!
He had only been playing the guitar for just two years when the video was taken.
He was originally playing the bass guitar but a YouTube video of him made their orchestra teacher realize that he’s more than just a regular stringed-instrument player.

The teacher realized that he has an extraordinary talent, and she’s convinced that the rest of the world needs to see it.
So at this orchestra strings concert back in 2012, the teacher asked him to showcase his abilities and he gave the crowd a mind-blowing experience!
Garret gave everyone an epic performance as he played “Eruption” by Eddie Van Halen.
He seemed to be nervous at first, but when he started playing the electric guitar, he eventually came out of his shell and wowed everyone!

All eyes were on him as he relentlessly electrified the entire venue with his unbelievable ability to shred. The rest of the kids were in disbelief as they watched Garret play the guit-fiddle like a real pro.
He ripped through every riff of the Van Halen song like it was nothing, and knowing that he had only been playing for two years was just beyond our comprehension.
He can effortlessly play a hard, complex rock instrumental like he’s been playing it for decades.
Did you know?

“Eruption” is an instrumental rock guitar solo performed by Eddie Van Halen. He’s the lead guitarist, main songwriter, and founder of the band “Van Halen” consisting of drummer Alex Van Halen (Eddie’s brother), vocalist David Lee Roth, and bassist Michael Anthony (from 1974 to 1985).
This instrumental rock popularized tapping. It also segues into the song “You Really Got Me” on their album Van Halen and the two songs are usually played together by radio stations.
This young man was born to become a rock star!

Garret also used the whammy bar on his electric guitar and created some amazing distortions in between that made his entire performance even more awesome.
The 300 people in attendance that day couldn’t help but admire the incredible, raw talent in front of them.
And we lost it when he began the tapping!
The crowd was beyond amused when Garret clinched the neck and began tapping those fingers. The other kids were clueless about what was happening, but those who were clapping during that part of his performance certainly knew how good that part was.

We know that not everyone can play the guitar, but to witness a 10-year-old boy perfectly, flawlessly, tapping an instrumental rock piece this noteworthy is ridiculously awesome!
“Tapping, also called tap style (tapstyle), touch-style, and two-handed tapping, is a guitar playing technique where a string is fretted and set into vibration as part of a single motion of being tapped onto the fretboard, with either hand, as opposed to the standard technique of fretting with one hand and picking with the other.”
He flawlessly finished his performance and everyone gave the love back!

Though it’s not the ideal music for an orchestra, still, the audience was thankful for Garret’s performance. They showered him with loud cheers and endless rounds of applause.
The video showcasing his guitar-playing skills was uploaded on YouTube back in 2012 and has gained over 7.2 million views since then.
Garret is now 18 and is still playing the guitar. You can actually check his YouTube channel to hear more of his guitar solos.
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