For many of us, a glass of wine at the end of a long day is one of life’s greatest pleasures. For those who are true connoisseurs, wine is endlessly complex with each bottle tasting just a little bit different from all the others. Although it feels great to unwind from time to time, there’s a tendency to think of a regular wine habit as a vice or something to be cut down on. Fortunately, science has shown that there are actually quite a few additional benefits to drinking wine that readers might not be aware of.
With no further ado, here are 10 unexpected health benefits of drinking wine.
1. Drinking wine may lead to increased longevity.

A 29-year Finnish study of approximately 2,500 men found that regular wine drinkers had a 34% lower mortality rate than those who drank beer or liquor. The results were published in the Journals of Gerontology in 2007. Though the study acknowledged that “excessive alcohol consumption” was widely accepted as dangerous, researchers were interested to see if wine had any special benefits that other alcohols might not. If you ask us, the results seem promising.
2. Drinking wine may reduce your risk of a heart attack.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, a wide range of studies seem to show a fairly consistent correlation between moderate wine intake and a reduced risk of heart attack and cardiovascular disease. Depending on which study you look at, the rate is somewhere between 25 to 40%.
3. It may also lower the risk of getting a stroke.

An eight-year study out of Columbia University concluded that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol (though not specifically wine) may also reduce the risk of blood clotting and stroke by about 50%. Still, with all the added benefits wine specifically does offer, better make this one about wine.
4. You may also be less likely to develop cataracts if you have the occasional glass of wine.

That’s right, researchers out of Iceland discovered that moderate drinkers were 32% less likely to get cataracts than those who didn’t drink. Here’s the kicker: those who drank wine specifically were 43% less likely to develop it than non-drinkers.
5. Drinking wine may even reduce the risk of colon cancer as well.

Stony Brook University conducted research showing that moderate red wine consumption cut the risk of colon cancer by 45%—and that’s no small feat!
6. It may even keep your mind sharper over time.

Another study from Columbia University showed that brain function in moderate drinkers happens at a slower rate than those who don’t drink.
7. Ingredients in wine have also been known to moderate cholesterol levels.

As many have probably heard, red wine contains resveratrol, a chemical said to be beneficial to human health. As a likely result of this, drinking wine may also reduce your LDL and increase HDL. keeping your veins and arteries clearer for blood flow.
8. It helps regulate your blood sugar levels—and serves as a deterrent against diabetes.

Red wine is rich in polyphenols, special chemicals which play a role in regulating the body’s metabolism. As a result, research has shown that red wine can have a similar effect on blood sugar levels as some anti-diabetic drugs do.
9. Drinking wine may even provide some fortification against the common cold.

A study in the American Study of Epidemiology tracked the wine drinking habits of many faculty members at universities in Spain. As it turns out, those who drank were less likely to miss work due to the common cold—and the correlation was stronger for those who drank wine rather than beer or liquor.
10. It may even help clear up your skin.

Finally, reservatrol seems to even have a combative effect on the bacteria that cause acne! The study was published in Dermatology and Therapy—and the results showed that wine might be even more effective than benzoyl peroxide.
Still, though the benefits above do seem valid and beneficial, it’s worth noting that these seem to only hold true for those who drink their wine in moderation. With that in mind, though, feel free to a pop the cork as you wish!
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